This program features multicast narration. “Exciting, thought-provoking, and ultimately shocking...I’m in for the ride to the very end!” —James Rollins on A History of What Comes Next Against the backdrop of authentic historical events, Sylvain Neuvel concludes his acclaimed Take Them to the Stars series with a biting satire on the role of authority in all its guises, bringing us a truly breathtaking science fiction trilogy that spans the ages. When you don’t know The Rules it’s hard to stay safe. After a traumatic incident, Aster's blood work comes back with some unusual readings. Unsurprising, as she’s the last of an alien race called the Kibsu, though she doesn’t know it. She becomes the focus of a hunt, with her mortal enemies, the Trackers, on one side, and the American government on the other. But help has come from a most unexpected quarter. Whoever finds her first, it won’t be good news for Aster. Or for the world! Also Available by Sylvain Neuvel: Take Them to the Stars series: 1. A History of What Comes Next 2. Until the Last of Me The Test A Macmillan Audio Production from
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"Sylvain’s Neuvel’s latest genre-bending bit of genius, A History of What Comes Next, is a riveting blend of historical thriller and scientific speculation, which never loses its core of humanity. It’s exciting, thought-provoking, and ultimately shocking in both scope and plotting. It’s the opening gambit in a trilogy that spans decades and promises much more to come. I’m in for the ride to the very end!"
— James Rollins
Thrilling... the focus on Lola’s emotional state and Samael’s struggle not to become a monster add depth to the drama.
— Publishers WeeklyThought-provoking and disturbing. A cautionary tale illuminated with dark enlightenment.
— Kirkus Reviews, starred review, on The TestAs high-concept as it is, Sleeping Giants is a thriller through and through. . . . Not only is Sleeping Giants one of the most promising series kickoffs in recent memory, it’s a smart demonstration of how science fiction can honor its traditions and reverse-engineer them at the same time.
— NPRBut the most surprising thing about the book may just be how compelling the central characters are in the midst of these larger-than-life concepts. . . . I can’t stop thinking about it.
— The Chicago Review of BooksBe the first to write a review about this audiobook!
Sylvain Neuvel dropped out of high school at age fifteen. Along the way, he has been a journalist, worked in soil decontamination, sold ice cream in California, and peddled furniture across Canada. He received a PhD in linguistics from the University of Chicago, taught in India, and worked as a software engineer in Montreal. He is also a certified translator. Neuvel is an amateur robotics enthusiast and lifelong fan of all things science fiction. He lives in Montreal.
Kristin Atherton is a voice talent and audiobook narrator.