Explosive Growth: The Ultimate Guide on How to Develop a Growth Mindset, Discover Why a Growth Mindset is Important and How it Can Help You Face Adversities and Achieve Your Goals Audiobook, by Clarence Deemer Play Audiobook Sample

Explosive Growth: The Ultimate Guide on How to Develop a Growth Mindset, Discover Why a Growth Mindset is Important and How it Can Help You Face Adversities and Achieve Your Goals Audiobook

Explosive Growth: The Ultimate Guide on How to Develop a Growth Mindset, Discover Why a Growth Mindset is Important and How it Can Help You Face Adversities and Achieve Your Goals Audiobook, by Clarence Deemer Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Marcus Mulenga Publisher: Author's Republic Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: January 2022 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781667939254

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

01:51 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

12 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

58 seconds

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Publisher Description

Explosive Growth: The Ultimate Guide on How to Develop a Growth Mindset, Discover Why a Growth Mindset is Important and How it Can Help You Face Adversities and Achieve Your Goals In this world, you’re either growing or you’re dying.. There's no middle ground. If you're standing still with zero progress, you're decaying. The same goes for success. It requires you to engage in the process of your personal growth at all times. And of all the things in life, what you believe about yourself can impact your success or failure. People who believe that their abilities can be improved through their hard work and dedication typically move ahead and take action without coming up with excuses. They are able to demonstrate an open mind, are willing to learn and have been seen as most successful in different aspects of their life. This audiobook will teach you how to develop a growth mindset. You will learn how to develop your mind to help you get where you want to go in life. You will learn how to harness the power of your mind correctly. This audiobook will discuss the following topics: -What is Mindset -Why is Mindset Important? -Fixed VS Growth Mindset -The Dangers of a Fixed Mindset -The Power of a Growth Mindset -Can You Change Your Mindset? -Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset -Dealing With Setbacks -And many more! A growth mindset allows you to take on bold challenges without the element of fear. If you want to learn more, scroll up and click “”add to cart” now!

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