Erotic Flushed Cheek, Volume 3: Sensual Meditation, Friday Night, In the Air (Abridged) Audiobook, by FlushedCheeks Play Audiobook Sample

Erotic Flushed Cheek, Volume 3: Sensual Meditation, Friday Night, In the Air (Abridged) Audiobook

Erotic Flushed Cheek, Volume 3: Sensual Meditation, Friday Night, In the Air (Abridged) Audiobook, by FlushedCheeks Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: FlushedCheeks Publisher: Scenario Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: February 2009 Format: Abridged Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

FlushedCheeks features sensual, evocative and alluring audio stories for the private listening pleasure of women. They are different because they are written for women in that they tap into the cerebral part of the female mind - that part that lets your mind travel, imagine and explore the sensual side. The anonymous narrators have been specially selected and are professional actors with voices so sexy you will feel them move and tingle your body.

This is your time. Turn off your phone, shut the door. Let your pleasure begin.

Volume 3 begins with a sensual instructive meditation which will relax you, take you away and leave your body at the brink of orgasm. Your body is tingling after the meditation and so turned on now you arrive at a bar meeting the girls for a drink after work. You are early and so take a seat on your own. A sexy dark stranger notices you and keeps you company and before long he's seduced you into doing things you've never dreamed of doing.

Following this scenario you will then be treated to an scenario 16,000 feet above the air. You just happen to be sitting next to the sexiest guy who's hands seem to have a life of their own when the lights turn out.... Picture this - you are in Bordeaux on a press trip. You spy a Frenchman and he spies you... sometimes just one look and you know your bodies are made for each other. He watches you as you retreat to your hotel room. He can't help himself and let's himself slip into your room whilst you're sleeping and your body gives in to being pleased like never before....

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