The Energy Teachings of The Three was dictated to the author in Peru in 2012 where he had been in training in the Andean shamanic healing traditions. The teachings are based on the principles and practices of energy healing combining different chakra patterns so you can live in the world with the energy of love and presence as the focus of your life.
Part 1—The Five pillars of Love teaches and provides energy practices to release the blocks and patterns that stop the flow of love in our life. These five pillars are: Appreciation, Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.
Part 2—The Five Foundation Stones for Daily Living focuses on psycho-spiritual practices that ground the energy practice of love. The Five Stones are: Self-love, Humility, Self-Acceptance, Reflection, and Release.
Part 3—Challenges of the End Times is about how to confront the fear of a civilization that is beginning to collapse.
Many people throughout the world are receiving information and practices from many sources to open hearts in order to accelerate the needed change and growth in their lives. Many of these sources are providing information for creating the potential for the next step of human evolution.
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