Recently orphaned, young Rose Campbell is sent to the "Aunt Hill," where Uncle Alex, her six aunts and seven boy cousins live in noisy confusion. It is nothing like the quiet girls' boarding school that has been Rose's home for the past year. Surrounded by a bewildering array of pets, relatives, and unfamiliar foods, the fragile girl wonders if she will ever get used to this new life. Fortunately, Uncle Alex is her guardian. He keeps the aunts from coddling her too much, and makes sure that she has plenty of time to play outside with her cousins. Day by day, learning how to care for each of these people, Rose begins to bloom. Eight Cousins is a charming introduction to Louisa May Alcott's timeless classics, which include Little Women and Little Men. Barbara Caruso's colorful narration perfectly captures Rose and her extended family.
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"I had to read this for History. It was pretty good considering that it was like written like 100 year ago. But I felt like in some parts that it went through my ear and out the other. But I would for sure read this at lest one it gives you a great perpective at what it was like back then. Rose the main characher i found intreging and very interesting. My favorite part is near the end when they are reading part of "The Spider and the Fly" which was cool."
— Mackenzie (4 out of 5 stars)
" Un po' deludente, troppo didattico e Rose troppo perfetta per essere vera. Vedremo se le cose cambieranno con Rose in Bloom, il seguito. "
— Georgiana, 2/10/2014" Wonderful, sweet classic story about a family that pulls together to raise their orphaned niece. Love all the boys in this story and the authors humor and style! "
— Natasha, 2/8/2014" Every bit as sweet and charming as Little Women. "
— Rachel, 2/8/2014" I read this in fourth grade - it's really good then, angled towards a younger audience. "
— Caroline, 1/27/2014" After reading a few darker adult tales I desperately needed something light and fluffy. Eight cousins and Rose in Bloom are two old favorites of mine and I used to read them a couple times a year between 11-14 years old and I enjoyed them just as much this time. Not as well written as Little Women surely and certainly hasn't grasped as much attention but I personally love them both just the same :) "
— Jess, 1/24/2014" Don't remember this one super well. Guess I need to reread it. "
— JaNae, 1/20/2014" One of my favorite childhood reads. "
— Jennifer, 1/19/2014" A little on the didactic side, as is the sequel, but still one I reread every few years. "
— Margali, 1/8/2014" Loved it! And I especially loved Louisa's inadverdant morality lessons and opinions on children's behavior! "
— Farah, 12/27/2013" So wonderful to come back to an old favorite and find it still to be as good as you once thought it was. "
— Karen, 12/18/2013" Always enjoyed this book, beneath the moralizing. "
— J., 12/17/2013Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888) was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania. Educated by her father until she was sixteen, she also studied under Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Theodore Parker. A prolific writer, her most famous work was Little Women, a timeless American classic.
Barbara Caruso, winner of numerous Earphones Awards for narration, is an accomplished actress. A graduate of London’s prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, she was a featured player in the Royal Shakespeare Company. She has played starring roles on Broadway and in theaters across the country. She won the Alexander Scourby Reader of the Year Award for her performances of young adult fiction and has more than one hundred audiobook narrations to her credit.