Dublin: mp3cityguides Walking Tour (Unabridged) Audiobook, by Simon Brooke Play Audiobook Sample

Dublin: mp3cityguides Walking Tour Audiobook (Unabridged)

Dublin: mp3cityguides Walking Tour (Unabridged) Audiobook, by Simon Brooke Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Simon Brooke Publisher: MP3 City Guides Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: February 2009 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

Historical and cultural walking tours of Europe's finest cities.

As well as its bars and writers, Dublin is known for its Georgian architecture and this walking tour of Dublin starts at one of the most famous examples of this great building style. The Hugh Lane Gallery is Dublin's most celebrated art gallery and your guide to Dublin will tell you the history of the gallery and what to look out for inside. You'll also hear about the sad story behind it.

The Irish are known as natural story tellers and the Children of Lir is one of Ireland's most celebrated and romantic fairytales. Your audio tour of Dublin will show you the statue dedicated to this tale and, of course, tell you the story itself.

As you walk down O'Connell Street you'll learn about the history of Dublin and then you'll arrive at the Post Office Building, a key site in Ireland's struggle for independence. We'll also tell you about the monument of Light, also known as the Spike which is said to be the world's largest sculpture and, after we've pointed out the statue of James Joyce, your guide to Dublin will then lead you down to the Liffey. You'll hear about the H'penny Bridge and how it got its name and about the Custom House and James Gandon, the architect of this great Dublin landmark.

Your downloadable tour will then lead you to the Irish Parliament Building and you'll develop your understanding of Dublin and its history as we talk about what you can see and we tell you about the history of what is known as the Irish House of Lords. Opposite is Trinity College and again you'll learn about the history of this great university and find out what to see if you want to go inside.

Merrion Square, our next stop, is another great example of Dublin's Georgian architectural heritage. Hidden away is a statue of Oscar Wilde, once a resident of Merrion Square - opposite him, tellingly, is his pregnant wife Constance and the figure of a young man.

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