Disarming the Power of Fear Audiobook, by Elena Bussolino Play Audiobook Sample

Disarming the Power of Fear Audiobook

Disarming the Power of Fear Audiobook, by Elena Bussolino Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Tasha Talley Publisher: Bagatto Inc. Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.33 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.25 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: July 2007 Format: Original Staging Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

We all experience fear in our lives. It comes in many forms and disguises.

We will discuss the kind of fear that prevents us from moving forward and upward in our lives and evolution. Fear is a tricky emotion for many reasons. It can serve as a warning not to proceed down a dark secluded alley, but that sort of fear is momentary and easily identified. You simply don't walk down that alley, or learn how to protect yourself if you do. Either way, you assess the situation and evaluate whether or not you have the necessary skills to handle the possibilities you anticipate.

The ones you don't anticipate you don't fear, because they have not entered your mind.

The kind of fear this meditation works with is the fear that prevents us from realizing our dreams. These are the what ifs that may or may not occur, but that if we allow our fears of them to prevail, can keep us from growing or from having the experience of a lifetime - the kind of fears that in the future may make us wonder what might have been. This exercise will help you to look at the bigger picture from a detached position. It will assist you in finding the courage you need to move forward despite being afraid of disappointment.

This meditation will also connect you with your intuition. You may discover whether you have the tools and skills necessary to undertake a venture - and that maybe surprise you with the rewards that can come from going out on a limb.

This meditation explores a multicolored fantasy realm that symbolizes the unpredictable surprises we find along our life journeys. Think of an area of your life that you want to explore, or an opportunity you would like to go for, but fears prevent you from taking the plunge.

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