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Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy Audiobook

Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy Audiobook, by Larry Tye Audio Sample Unavailable
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Read By: Ben Jaeger-Thomas Publisher: HMH Adult Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 14.17 hours at 1.5x Speed 10.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: July 2020 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9780358316619

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

111:35 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

20:06 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

74:52 minutes

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Publisher Description

The definitive biography of the most dangerous demagogue in American history, based on first-ever review of his personal and professional papers, medical and military records, and recently unsealed transcripts of his closed-door Congressional hearings

In the long history of American demagogues, from Huey Long to Donald Trump, never has one man caused so much damage in such a short time as Senator Joseph McCarthy. We still use “McCarthyism” to stand for outrageous charges of guilt by association, a weapon of polarizing slander. From 1950 to 1954, McCarthy destroyed many careers and even entire lives, whipping the nation into a frenzy of paranoia, accusation, loyalty oaths, and terror. When the public finally turned on him, he came crashing down, dying of alcoholism in 1957. Only now, through bestselling author Larry Tye’s exclusive look at the senator’s records, can the full story be told.

Demagogue is a masterful portrait of a human being capable of immense evil, yet beguiling charm. McCarthy was a tireless worker and a genuine war hero. His ambitions knew few limits. Neither did his socializing, his drinking, nor his gambling. When he finally made it to the Senate, he flailed around in search of an agenda and angered many with his sharp elbows and lack of integrity. Finally, after three years, he hit upon anti-communism. By recklessly charging treason against everyone from George Marshall to much of the State Department, he became the most influential and controversial man in America. His chaotic, meteoric rise is a gripping and terrifying object lesson for us all. Yet his equally sudden fall from fame offers reason for hope that, given the rope, most American demagogues eventually hang themselves.

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"Featured on Fresh Air! A Christian Science Monitor best nonfiction book of 2020 An Amazon best history book of 2020  “The fullest account yet of the crusading junior senator from Wisconsin...the rigor of his research ensures he goes far beyond the caricature to give us a portrait of nuance and depth."

— Wall Street Journal “Tye captures ‘Low Blow Joe’ in all his shambolic ingloriousness . . . The result is an epic expose that . . . will leave [readers] shaking their heads over the rise and fall of the greatest demagogue in American history, with the possible exception of the current White House incumbent.” —The Boston Globe “’Demagogue’ does an impressive job of shedding new light on Joe McCarthy, but the more light is shed, the more repulsive he appears. ‘The more we learn,’ Tye writes, ‘the fewer heroes this story has.’


  • “An epic expose…Will leave [readers] shaking their heads over the rise and fall of the greatest demagogue in American history, with the possible exception of the current White House incumbent.”

    — Boston Globe
  • “Demagogue does an impressive job of shedding new light on Joe McCarthy, but the more light is shed, the more repulsive he appears.’"

    — Christian Science Monitor
  • "[A] vivid chronicle of the ascent, reign, and decline of Joseph McCarthy.”

    — National Book Review
  • “Demagogue is a beautifully written, richly researched tragedy, a morality tale in three acts. In the end, it proves that most demagogues, like the legendary emperor, usually have no clothes. And it’s not a pretty sight to behold.”

    — National Journal of Books
  • “For many contemporary readers, Joseph McCarthy is a done and dusted relic for the history books, but Tye (Bobby Kennedy, 2016) brings him back to ferocious life…Tye is an even-handed reporter, tracking the truth of stories advanced by both McCarthy’s devotees and detractors….This is a must-read biography.”

    — Booklist (starred review)


  • A Booklist Pick of the Month in Nonfiction

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About Larry Tye

Larry Tye is the author of several biographies, including the New York Times bestsellers Bobby Kennedy and Satchel. Previously an award-winning reporter and national writer at the Boston Globe and a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, he now runs the Boston-based Health Coverage Fellowship.