Dangerous Lies follows the lives of Jake Stern and Tina Davis. After losing his parents and sister in a fire, Jake is raised by his grandparents. As he transforms from a traumatized boy to an exceptional student athlete and finally to an ambitious assistant DA, he learns to hide a crippling fear behind a stony mask.
Until she turns thirteen, Bettina (Tina) Berenson is a shy, bookish girl rejected by both parents. But her life radically changes when her father starts taking her to the places he frequents: racetracks, prizefights, nightclubs, and the occasional company of gangsters he admires. Reveling in the attention Tina’s striking beauty generates, he’s oblivious to the potential danger to his impressionable daughter. And when he dies two years later, the distraught and lonely fifteen-year-old girl is easy prey for a charismatic crime lord.
When a vicious mobster goes on trial, fate brings Jake and Tina together. Tina, former mob mistress, is the key witness, and Jake, the prosecuting attorney, is repelled by her past but obsessed with her physical presence. But someone wants Tina dead, and in order for her to testify, Jake has to keep her alive.
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“Laced with suspense, humor, emotion, and lots of twists and turns.”
— Palm Beach Post
“Fast-paced and full of intriguing characters.”
— RT Book Reviews (4 stars)Be the first to write a review about this audiobook!
Lisa April Smith is the highly praised author of Dangerous Lies, Exceeding Expectations, and Paradise Misplaced, all in the genre she playfully calls “suspense with sizzle for discerning readers.” She is also the author of the historical novel Forgotten Tales of China, an epic set in ancient China.
Nicol Zanzarella is an Earphones Award–winning audiobook narrator and a theater and television actress. She has appeared in productions of Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, The Winter’s Tale, Cousin Bette, Danny and the Deep Blue Sea, and many others.