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Damsels in Distress Audiobook

Damsels in Distress Audiobook, by Nikita Lynnette Nichols Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Katherine Dollison Publisher: Urban Books Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 4.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 3.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: July 2020 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781094039800

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

45:45 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

02:16 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

20:08 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


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Publisher Description

What happens when a fifteen-year-old secret between three best friends is exposed?

Celeste Harper seems to be happily married and living life to its fullest. That’s what she wants everyone to believe, but her failure to conceive a baby and the critical information she is withholding from her husband may demolish her house of cards.

Ginger Brown meets a guy online and invites him to stay in her home. It isn’t long before she finds herself having to ask for permission to go to church. Dirty dishes left in the sink, canned goods not neatly stacked, and missing curfew by just one minute earns Ginger a beat down on a regular basis. How long will the makeup hide the bruises?

Portia Dunn is single and fancy free, but she has a dangerous taste for married men. She enjoys collecting money for her rent and bills. When a wife takes notice of mishandled funds and takes over the checkbook, Portia’s free ride is over. Now faced with having to support her own shopping addiction, Portia puts a plan in motion to make it too easy for the wife to learn of her husband’s adulterous affair.

These three women have shared an unbreakable bond since high school. They’ve also vowed to never make mention of what occurred in a dark, dingy basement during their junior year. When a heated fellowship between them develops into an all-out brawl with name calling, the very subject they’ve sworn to keep buried suddenly emerges. The damsels turn on each other, and war is declared.

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About Nikita Lynnette Nichols

Nikita Lynnette Nichols is an award-winning author and screenwriter from Chicago. In 2007, Miss Nichols signed a two-book deal with Urban Books. Her debut novel entitled A Man’s Worth released in September of 2008.