Codex Alimentarius: The UN Plan to Eradicate Organic Farming and Destroy the Natural Health Industry (Unabridged) Audiobook, by Ian R. Crane Play Audiobook Sample

Codex Alimentarius: The UN Plan to Eradicate Organic Farming and Destroy the Natural Health Industry Audiobook (Unabridged)

Codex Alimentarius: The UN Plan to Eradicate Organic Farming and Destroy the Natural Health Industry (Unabridged) Audiobook, by Ian R. Crane Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Ian R. Crane Publisher: World Wide Multi Media Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 1.00 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2009 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

With biting political analysis, Ian R. Crane probes the track record of those who openly crave the introduction of a One World hierarchical government. He exposes the agenda of those who have presided over events leading directly to the launching of illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and who continually demonstrate their desire to perpetuate a state of permanent global conflict, while systematically eroding personal freedom, through the process of gradualism.

So what does all this have to do with organic farming and natural health? Part of the New World Order agenda is to remove the requirement for food labeling and to restrict and ultimately prohibit the sale of all natural health products. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg; behind the Codex Alimentarius Commission are the United Nations and the World Health Organization, working in conjunction with the multinational pharmaceutical cartel and international banks. It is now a criminal offence in parts of Europe to sell herbs as foods. An agreement called EEC6565 equates selling herbs as foods to selling other illegal drugs. Action is being taken to accelerate bringing other European countries into harmonization. Yet Ian's message is not all doom and gloom; he concludes that the unfolding events present us with significant opportunity for true political alchemy.

An ex-oilfield executive, Ian R. Crane now lectures and writes on the geo-political webs that are being spun; with particular focus on US Hegemony and the NWO agenda for control of global resources. Prior to his retirement from the corporate arena, Ian enjoyed a career of 25 years in telecommunications and international oilfield services, a career that provided the opportunity to live and work in the U.K., continental Europe, the Middle East, and Houston, Texas.

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