At this defining moment in our history, Americans are hungry for change. After years of failed policies and a failed politics from Washington, this is our chance to reclaim the American dream. Barack Obama has proven to be a new kind of leader—one who can bring people together, be honest about the challenges we face, and move this nation forward. Change We Can Believe In outlines his vision for America.
Throughout this audiobook you will find bold and specific ideas about how to fix our ailing economy and strengthen the middle class, make health care affordable for all, achieve energy independence, and keep America safe in a dangerous world. Change We Can Believe In asks you not just to believe in Barack Obama’s ability to bring change to Washington, it asks you to believe in yours.
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"This is a neat little book filled with mostly Barack's policies. Even better, the book contains 7 of the good senator's speeches from the campaign trail. I have listened to many of those speeches and they are fascinating, not only for the content, but for his eloquent way of speaking. If you have ever heard him speak, you will hear his voice clearly in this book."
— Joe (4 out of 5 stars)
" I appreciated that Barack laid out his plan for moving the US forward. I listened to each section multiple times to make sure I understood it, whether or not I agreed. "
— Jostalady, 2/10/2014" Good summary of Obama's proposed changes and policy plans and key speeches from the campaign. Most of it looks great, apart from a few new things I learned about - like rebates I might get. Here's hoping he can affect all this change. "
— Heather, 2/4/2014" Book about the agendas of United States of America raised by President Barack Obama before being elected as president. I don't find this book comfortable enough to read and finish. I am reading it. Hope I can complete it in few days. "
— Biju, 1/31/2014" It was a bit odd to read a book like this written in 2008 and it is now 2012 and near the end of Obama's first term. Maybe I read it a bit late. It was sitting on my shelf forever. It was full of promises that he hoped to accomplish in the first four year term and beyond. He has fullfilled a lot of the promises, some he has fallen short on and some require more time. He may not get a 2nd term, but if he does, now knowing a bit more of what he wanted to accomplish I look forward to grading his next term a bit more closly. "
— Matt, 1/25/2014" This is a good book to read if you have not been keeping up with Barack Obama's plans for when he gets into the White House. He has many plans that in my opinion sounds like good ideas. However, this book does not go into detail of how all these plans will work out. He talks about cutting this and giving money for that but, I really would like to see where the money for all his plans is coming from. And how come we got or can get all this money during the current state the US economy is in. This is a book of speeches and plans without going into detail of how. Nonetheless, I would read this book just to know what direction our future is heading once Barack Obama is in the White House. Just like voting it is your choice to know, or not to know is the question. And since this book does not give details you still may not know until we are paying for it. "
— Ck, 1/23/2014" Sounds quite idealistic. But hopefully it will be a good reminder of his promises, and that will lead to results. "
— Betsy, 1/19/2014" Enjoyed it.Very inspiring!! "
— Joe, 1/17/2014" if you want obama's plans for his presidency in a clear and concise read, this book is for you. a lot of what is being discussed in the book is common knowledge at this point, but if you want the finer points, the details, it's all here. "
— rachael, 11/29/2013" I believed it. And still hope. "
— Fraser, 10/6/2013" IF you're gonna vote for him one should at least know him. "
— Scooter, 9/17/2013" This book was just released in November. It was not written by Obama, but summarizes his views on the many different issues heard during the election. It also contains several speeches he gave during the 2 year presidential campaign. "
— Cheri, 5/31/2013Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States, elected in November 2008 and holding office for two terms. He is the author of two previous New York Times bestselling books, Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope, and the recipient of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. He graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review. In addition to his work as a community organizer, he practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He also taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Obama is especially proud of being a husband and father of two daughters.
Andre Blake is a voice talent and audiobook narrator.