Exhaustive, scientific, yet compassionate . . . An absolute gold mine for those with the disorder and their families: thorough, candid, and up-to-date advice, full of new possibilities for help. ?Kirkus Reviews
The vital resource for people with bipolar disorder and their loved ones, completely updated. Winner of the American Book Fest Best Book Award in Health - Psychology/Mental Health by the American Book Fest, Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for You and Your Loved Ones is a concise, essential guide to bipolar disorders. Written in a non-technical jargon, this guide is ideal for patients and their families who wish to gain an understanding of bipolar disorders, those looking for support, paths for moving forward, and advice for living with the disease.Compassionate and comprehensive, Dr. Francis Mondimore's pathbreaking guide has helped thousands of people and their loved ones cope with bipolar disorder. Now in its fourth edition, Bipolar Disorder has been totally revised and reorganized to reflect dramatic improvements in the treatment of the illness, as well as numerous scientific breakthroughs that have increased our understanding of its causes.
With insight and sensitivity, Dr. Mondimore
This audiobook is skillfully read by Joel Richards, and was produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont. Audio engineering by Sam Platt.
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Joel Richards was the kid who did crazy things just to have a good story to tell afterward. On deciding to make his affection his profession, he received a BFA in acting and a BA in English from the University of Utah. He has narrated over 300 audiobooks and continues to tell his original stories to live audiences.