Against the backdrop of the late Cold War, a tiny American start-up company forged a secret deal to place American scientific payloads aboard the Soviet space station MIR. Born out of sheer desperation after the Challenger explosion and grounding of the United States space shuttle program, the agreement was negotiated and approved behind the backs of NASA and Congress, with the help of United States government officials inside the Commerce and Defense departments.
On a cold gray morning in February 1988, the company founder met with three graduate students and their professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to put his plans into action. Baikonur Man, written by one of those students, recounts the subsequent five-year saga of how science, comradery, hardship, drama, and occasional lunacy led to the first American experiments and payloads to fly on Russian rockets.
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Rich Miller, a man whose heart beats for renewal and revival in the church, serves as president and a speaker for Freedom in Christ Ministries. He has coauthored Getting Anger Under Control and Grace That Breaks the Chains, as well as authoring 40 Days of Grace and the youth book To My Dear Slimeball. He and his wife live in the mountains of western North Carolina.