America and the New Global Economy Audiobook, by The Great Courses Play Audiobook Sample

America and the New Global Economy Audiobook

America and the New Global Economy Audiobook, by The Great Courses Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Professor Timothy Taylor Publisher: The Great Courses Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 12.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 9.38 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: June 2013 Format: Original Staging Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

Globalization continues to be a force in our economic climate. And the origins of this globalized economy, its effects on important contemporary concerns, and its future trends are just a few of the intriguing issues you explore in these 36 lectures. Go beyond the economy of the United States and examine the recent history of economies in other countries and regions. As you journey with Professor Taylor through the last 50 years of world economic history, you'll explore international perspectives on the new global economy and develop a richer understanding of our increasingly interconnected world.

To get a comprehensive picture of the new global economy, you consider the individual economies of countries including China (which may be the world's largest economy through much of the 21st century), India (the accelerated growth of which is based in service industries), and the Middle East (where most economies are surprisingly quite small). You'll also focus on a range of economic issues that have important ramifications for everyone, such as labor laws, population growth, and international economic agencies such as the World Bank and the World Trade Organization.

Taken together, these lectures are a comprehensive look at economic globalization you can't get from reading the business section of a newspaper. They're your opportunity to grasp the economic histories, issues, and trends that affect us. With the knowledge gained from these lectures, you're able to understand the latest developments in our global economy and better prepare for a future in which all our economies will be linked.

Disclaimer: Please note that this recording may include references to supplemental texts or print references that are not essential to the program and not supplied with your purchase.

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