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All the Stars Denied: A Companion Novel to Shame the Stars Audiobook

All the Stars Denied: A Companion Novel to Shame the Stars Audiobook, by Guadalupe Garcia McCall Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Victoria Villarreal, Victoria Villareal Publisher: Recorded Books, Inc. Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 4.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 3.50 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: August 2023 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9798889562795

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

33:36 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

22 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

16:22 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


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Publisher Description

In the heart of the Great Depression, Rancho Las Moras, like everywhere else in Texas, is gripped by the drought of the Dust Bowl, and resentment is building among white farmers against Mexican Americans. All around town, signs go up proclaiming “No Dogs or Mexicans” and “No Mexicans Allowed.”

When Estrella organizes a protest against the treatment of tejanos in their town of Monteseco, Texas, her whole family becomes a target of “repatriation” efforts to send Mexicans “back to Mexico”—whether they were ever Mexican citizens or not. Dumped across the border and separated from half her family, Estrella must figure out a way to survive and care for her mother and baby brother. How can she reunite with her father and grandparents and convince her country of birth that she deserves to return home?

There are no easy answers in the first YA book to tackle this hidden history. In a companion novel to her critically acclaimed Shame the Stars, Guadalupe García McCall tackles the first mass deportation event that swept up hundreds of thousands of Mexican American citizens during the Great Depression.

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“An intense and enlightening historical fiction title that’s highly recommended for all libraries.”

— School Library Journal (starred review)

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About Guadalupe Garcia McCall

Guadalupe García McCall was born in Mexico and moved to Texas as a young girl, keeping close ties with family on both sides of the border. She has written five books as well as many poems for children. She moved from Texas a few years ago and now lives in the Pacific Northwest. Though she loves taking nature walks in the great outdoors, she doesn't go out alone at night because she knows there's all kinds of cucuys out there!