Agnes Grey Audiobook, by Anne Brontë Play Audiobook Sample

Agnes Grey Audiobook

Agnes Grey Audiobook, by Anne Brontë Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Niloofer Khan Publisher: BookaVivo Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 5.50 hours at 1.5x Speed 4.13 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: July 2022 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781490664934

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

42:20 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

36 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

18:50 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


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Publisher Description

Agnes vive con su familia de clase media, sus padres y su hermana mayor María. Su padre es clérigo y su madre, que pertenecía a un nivel social superior al de su esposo, es una mujer vital, enérgica y de carácter. Viven felices y en armonía hasta que una inversión fallida hace que la situación económica de la familia se vea seriamente afectada. Tras la oposición familiar inicial, finalmente Agnes logra que se le permita trabajar de institutriz- le gustan los niños y se ve capaz de desempeñar correctamente su trabajo- y se instala con su primera familia, los Bloomfield, que no resultarán lo que ella esperaba y con los que no logra encajar. Luego vendrán los Murray, de mayor rango. Allí conocerá a Edward Weston, cura ayudante del vicario de la localidad. El ostracismo en el que vive con los Murray se hace evidente. Rosalie, la coqueta hija mayor de la familia, no le pondrá las cosas nada fáciles... La vida no parece sonreírle precisamente.

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About Anne Brontë

Anne Brontë (1820–1849) was born in Yorkshire, the youngest of six children. Her mother died within a year of her birth, and her two eldest siblings died four years later. The Brontë children were raised in an isolated Yorkshire parsonage, where they thrived in fantasy worlds that drew on their voracious reading of Byron, Scott, Shakespeare, and Gothic fiction. Anne’s first novel, Agnes Grey, was published in a volume together with Emily’s Wuthering Heights in 1847. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall reflects her brother Branwell’s gradual descent into alcoholism, drug addiction, and madness. Both Branwell and Emily died of tuberculosis in 1848; Anne succumbed to the same illness in 1849.