Acupuncture Points: The Ultimate Guide to Acupuncture. Discover Different Types and Uses for Acupuncture and How it Can Help Your Overall Well-Being Most of us have heard of acupuncture, but the truth of the matter is that for many of us, that’s as far as our knowledge of acupuncture goes. We know it involves sticking needles into our body to help relieve pain. But the very idea of needles probably sounds painful. However, this is not really the case. Acupuncture is more than just a remedy. It is both a science and an art, one that has been thousands of years in the making. Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing that predates written history. It is rooted in a Taoist philosophy more than 6000 years old. Most people have misconceptions about acupuncture when they don’t know it could really be the best solution to some of their health concerns. To help correct some of those misconceptions, this audiobook will teach you everything you need to know about acupuncture so you can form an informed decision on whether to finally try acupuncture. This audiobook will cover the following topics: - Origin and History - Why Acupuncture? - Physiology and Acupuncture - Types of Acupuncture - Uses of Acupuncture - How Safe is Acupuncture - And many more! Acupuncture is a ‘holistic’ approach that promotes healing on multiple levels. If you want to learn more, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
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Eugene Lim is the author of several novels, including Fog & Car and The Strangers. His writing has appeared in Fence, the Denver Quarterly, Little Star, Dazed, the Brooklyn Rail, and elsewhere. He is the founder and managing editor of Ellipsis Press and works as a librarian in a high school. He lives in Queens, New York.
Eugene Lim is the author of several novels, including Fog & Car and The Strangers. His writing has appeared in Fence, the Denver Quarterly, Little Star, Dazed, the Brooklyn Rail, and elsewhere. He is the founder and managing editor of Ellipsis Press and works as a librarian in a high school. He lives in Queens, New York.