528hz Solfeggio Meditation: Transform Your Life, Repair DNA and Create Miracles Audiobook, by Glenn Harrold Play Audiobook Sample

528hz Solfeggio Meditation: Transform Your Life, Repair DNA and Create Miracles Audiobook

528hz Solfeggio Meditation: Transform Your Life, Repair DNA and Create Miracles Audiobook, by Glenn Harrold Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Unspecified Publisher: Diviniti Publishing Ltd Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 0.83 hours at 1.5x Speed 0.63 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: January 2012 Format: Original Staging Audiobook ISBN:

Publisher Description

This is one of a series of six meditation recordings by Glenn Harrold and Ali Calderwood that are based upon the ancient Solfeggio musical scale. Each note in this scale has specific healing properties, and this recording uses the third note, which resonates to a frequency of 528hz.

This frequency works to heal broken DNA, healing on all levels - emotional, mental, spiritual and physical - bringing relief from anxiety, fatigue, and control issues. It helps to release negative thinking. Consistent use of this recording will help you to create miracles in your life.

This recording contains two meditations. The first you can use in the daytime, as it will guide you back to full waking consciousness at the end. The second will guide you into a deep sleep state at the end, which makes it ideal for using before you go to sleep at night. When you are instructed to repeat affirmations, connect with positive feelings (e.g. happiness, joy, love), this will help you absorb the suggestions on a deeper level. You don't have to repeat the affirmations out loud, but do make a strong connection with them. You will be guided into a deep state of mental and physical relaxation, and it is recommended that you listen through headphones while lying or sitting somewhere comfortable where you won't be disturbed. Listen every day, initially for 21 days and then as and when you wish. However, this is purely a guideline, and you can listen to the recordings as often as you like. It is important to remember that you are being guided, so you will always be in full control of the whole process. This powerful recording is a completely safe and effective way of helping you to clear away deep-rooted blocks on a cellular level and find peace.

About the Ancient Solfeggio Scale and Healing Sounds

Modern science is now beginning to recognise what the ancient mystics throughout time have been saying: that everything is in a constant state of vibration, and th...

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About Glenn Harrold

Glenn Harrold is the UK’s bestselling self-help audio author and founder of Divinti Publishing. His hypnosis CDs, books, and mp3s have sold over four million copies. Harrold has a passion for hypnotherapy and loves that his work makes a difference in people’s lives.