"How did it all begin?" "What happens when we die?" These are just two of the questions Reverend Oliver "Buzz" Thomas hears centrist Christians asking as he travels across the United States, and he knows that their voices are not being heard. They're people of faith, not of politics, and they want more from their religion than a voter's guide.
Now, Reverend Thomas has written a book that will become the liberal Christian answer to The Purpose Driven Life.
Thomas writes sensitively about the reason we were put on this earth, the significance of the Bible, and how one pleases God. He answers difficult, contemporary questions like "What about homosexuality?" and "What about other faiths?" while weaving in a sensible Christian theology for modern living.
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"A short, easy to read book that I found valuable. In recent years Christianity has come to represent so many things that seem not "Christ-like". I found a great deal of reassurance in Mr. Thomas's writing."
— Judy (5 out of 5 stars)
“Just when you thought Jesus was coming back toting a gun, waving a flag, bashing his gay brothers and sisters, [and] angling for a seat in the New York Stock Exchange…Buzz Thomas has the audacity to remind us to look for the real thing—the Jesus who spoke of love.”
— Bill Moyers“Thomas’ 108-page easy-read is a clear, intelligent presentation of many of the issues on the ragged edge of the cultural divide growing in America between religious conservatives and religious liberals.”
— Tulsa World“[Thomas] takes on today’s big religious questions: homosexuality, the place of women, evolution vs. creationism, the plausibility of miracles, religious pluralism, life after death and others. Thomas’ writing is clear and engaging…For those who have not yet been exposed to the religious debates taking place in the public forum, this concise book serves as a good introduction.”
— Publishers Weekly“A fascinating read, regardless of religious or political affiliation.”
— BookPage" Well written, mostly stuff I already knew. But I guess I'm not the audience the author is looking for, a seminary education liberal minister. But my mom liked it, which is why I read it. "
— TJ, 1/3/2014" thought provoking. It helps identify the big picture message VS getting stuck on the specific details that people want to argue over "
— Phyllis, 11/10/2013" Great book...I don't necessarily agree with everything...but I do agree with a lot of it... "
— Jay, 10/3/2013" I wish that I had read this book ten years ago. "
— Jennifer, 4/19/2012" it was a bit too trite and simplistic for me. he reduces everything to the lowest common denominator and doesn't do the issues he talks about real justice. because of his approach this book is easy to dismiss which is a shame because he does have some good things to say. "
— Shay, 3/1/2012" All ten of these things should be preached very often. "
— Bill, 11/28/2011" A surprising book by a Baptist minister on the Bible, miracles, women, homosexuality, and "other faiths". I will reread this book. "
— Sharyn, 10/21/2011" Every follow of Christ should have to read this book. As should anyone of any religion who is fed up with what Christianity has allowed itself to be defined as. "
— Ty, 11/29/2010" This book is very interesting. I wish I could hear one of his sermon's. "
— Carol, 9/4/2009" I just don't understand why one would be a Christian minister if one does not believe in the Bible. He must need the job. "
— Jim, 9/21/2008" Parts of it were interesting and parts of it were not as interesting. "
— Megan, 3/29/2008" This is a book everyone should read reguardless of their religious background. "
— Zerahel, 11/16/2007" The most enlightening book of faith I have read -- except for the Bible, of course! "
— Nancy, 7/25/2007Rev. Oliver “Buzz” Thomas is a Southern Baptist minister and constitutional lawyer who, over the last decade, has been at the frontlines of debates regarding religion, science, and education. He currently serves as executive director of the Niswonger Foundation and lives in Tennessee with his wife and two daughters.