
William C. Davis Audio Books

William Charles “Jack” Davis is a retired history professor who taught at Virginia Tech. An acclaimed expert on the Civil War, he has served on a number of advisory boards, including the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, the Civil War Preservation Trust, the Museum of the Civil War Soldier in Petersburg, Virginia, the National Park Service, as well as on the Lincoln Prize and Pulitzer Prize nominating juries.

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Extended Sample Lincoln's Men by William C. Davis
Extended Sample The Rogue Republic by William C. Davis
Extended Sample Look Away! by William C. Davis
Extended Sample The Pirates Laffite by William C. Davis
Extended Sample An Honorable Defeat by William C. Davis
Extended Sample Three Roads to the Alamo by William C. Davis
Extended Sample The Greatest Fury by William C. Davis
Extended Sample Crucible of Command by William C. Davis
Extended Sample Jefferson Davis by William C. Davis
Extended Sample Lone Star Rising by William C. Davis
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