Karnazes reveals the mind-boggling adventures of his nonstop treks through the hell of Death Valley, the incomprehensible frigidity of the South Pole, and the breathtaking beauty of the mountains and canyons of the Sierra Nevada.
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"I had heard a little bit about Dean Karnazes, so when I found his book lying on my friend's coffee table, I picked it up and gave it a quick once-over. After that, there was no going back. I stayed up all night and into the next day (as I could schedule) and read Dean's inspirational story. Because Dean decided to write about his running experiences, more people know about ultra-running, a sport that I love."
— Wendy (5 out of 5 stars)
“Dean’s masochism is a reader’s pleasure.”
— Publishers Weekly“Makes the extraordinary look easy.”
— GQ“The perfect escapist fantasy for couch potatoes and weekend warriors alike.”
— Kirkus Reviews“Fascinating.”
— Sports Illustrated" Not a bad ultra running book there are just better ones out there like born to run and Scott jurek's book. As an ultra-runner myself it did make me want to work harder though! "
— Steven, 2/13/2014" I loved reading about the ridiculously long runs that the author does. He has motivated me to take running a bit more seriously, but I am definitely not going to go for 50-200 mile runs like he does. He kindof annoyed me when he stated that he does not run for the fame of running, and that he does it all for himself - if that was true, why did he write a book? Overall though, it was quick read about a guy with a great passion for running. "
— Rosemary, 2/10/2014" This guy is out of his mind -- running 50 - 100 miles in a day!!! He's a bit cocky, but the book is written lightly and his feats of strength are amazing. "
— Corinne, 2/2/2014" inspired to run 2 marathons in 1 weekend. thanks dean. "
— Steven, 2/2/2014" Even if you don't like running I think you could still like this book. This man is crazy! My brother-in-law recommended it to me. After he read it he ran a 1/2 marathon on a Saturday after never having trained for one! "
— Charity, 1/30/2014" Great inspirational read, but his later books just seem repetitive. "
— Matthew, 1/28/2014" Runners seem to be split on their opinions of this guy's exploits - you either love him or hate him. I lean toward the latter but he gets an extra star for convincing me that I never need to do an ultra, ever. "
— Rebecca, 1/6/2014" This was a wonderful, inspirational read! "
— Rachelle, 1/5/2014" What I found most impressive about this author is that he can eat a whole pizza while on a run without even stopping. That's talent! "
— Arianne, 12/16/2013" This book was highly entertaining and well-written. It's about a man who runs farther than any normal person would and how and why he does it. I would definitely recommend it. Fascinating and fun. "
— Anne, 12/12/2013" Every runner should read this book. "
— Tami, 12/2/2013Dean Karnazes has been called an “ultrarunning legend” by Men’s Journal and “one of the sexiest men in sports” by Sports Illustrated for Women. Winner of the 2004 Badwater Ultramarathon in Death Valley, he is the author of Ultramarathon Man. A columnist for Men’s Health, he lives with his wife and two children in San Francisco.
James Yaegashi has appeared in numerous Broadway and off-Broadway productions, film, and television roles. He was also a popular radio disc jockey in Japan. He is a four-time winner of the AudioFile Earphones Award for audiobook narration, and his voice-over credits include a featured role in the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.