In The Nemesis of Fire by Algernon Blackwood, the renowned psychic detective Dr. John Silence embarks on a mysterious case involving a series of unexplained fires and eerie phenomena at a secluded manor in the English countryside. Colonel Wragge, the troubled owner, seeks Silence's help as strange, luminous apparitions, mysterious scorch marks, and deadly fires plague the estate. As Silence delves deeper into the case, he uncovers ancient forces and supernatural elements tied to the manor's dark history. Filled with suspense and the supernatural, this tale explores the unseen, destructive power lurking beneath the surface of the ordinary world.
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Algernon Blackwood (1869–1951) led a rich and varied life. Storyteller, mystic, adventurer, and radio and television personality, he is best remembered for his two superlative horror stories, “The Willows” and “The Wendigo.” But in his lifetime he wrote over 150 stories, at least a dozen novels, two plays, and quite a few children’s books as well. By the time of his death, he had become one of the greatest writers of supernatural fiction in the twentieth century.