A dance to the death. A girl who’s just as monstrous as H.H. Holmes. A hallway that’s constantly changingand
hungry. All of these stories exist in the same placewithin the frame of a particular house that isn’t bound by the
laws of time and space.
Following in the footsteps of dark/horror-filled YA anthologies like His Hideous Heart and Slasher Girls and
Monster Boys, and Netflix’s ground-breaking adaptation of The Haunting of Hill House, this YA speculative
fiction anthology explores how the permanence of a home can become a space of transition and change for
both the inhabitants and the creatures who haunt them.
Each story in the anthology will focus on a different room in the house and feature unique takes on monsters
from a wide array of cultural traditions. Whether it’s a demonic Trickster, a water-loving Rusalka, or a horrifying,
baby-imitating Tiyanak, there’s bound to be something sinister lurking in the shadows.
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Nova Ren Suma is the author of The Walls around Us as well as the YA novels Imaginary Girls and 17 & Gone, which were both named 2014 Outstanding Books for the College Bound by YALSA. She has a BA in writing photography from Antioch College and an MFA in fiction from Columbia University and has been awarded fiction fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts, the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, and the Millay Colony and an NEA fellowship for a residency at the Hambidge Center. She worked for years behind the scenes in publishing, at places such as HarperCollins, Penguin, Marvel Comics, and RAW Books, and now she teaches writing workshops. She is from various small towns across the Hudson Valley and lives and writes in New York City.
Traci Chee is the author of a young adult fantasy trilogy, including The Reader, The Speaker, and The Storyteller. Her works have been shortlisted and nominated for multiple awards and accolades.
Rosiee Thor began her career as a storyteller by demanding to tell her mother bedtime stories instead of the other way around. She spent her childhood reading by flashlight in the closet until she came out as queer. She lives in Oregon with a dog, a cat, and an abundance of plants. She is the author of young adult novels Tarnished Are the Stars and Fire Becomes Her. Follow her online at RosieeThor.com and on Twitter @rosieethor.
Courtney Gould writes books about queer girls, ghosts, and things that go bump in the night. She graduated from Pacific Lutheran University in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and publishing. The Dead and the Dark is her debut novel.
Iva-Marie Palmer is the author of The Summers and The End of the World as We Know It. She grew up in Chicago’s south suburbs and now lives in Los Angeles with her husband.
Bradford Hastings is a voice talent and audiobook narrator.