The Enlightenment: An Idea and Its History Audiobook, by J. C. D. Clark Play Audiobook Sample

The Enlightenment: An Idea and Its History Audiobook

The Enlightenment: An Idea and Its History Audiobook, by J. C. D. Clark Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: Mike Cooper Publisher: Highbridge Audio Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 13.00 hours at 1.5x Speed 9.75 hours at 2.0x Speed Release Date: December 2024 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781696616577

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

50:50 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

04:45 minutes

Average Chapter Length:

36:27 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

There are many books claiming to explain the Enlightenment, but most assume that it was a thing. J. C. D. Clark shows what it actually was, namely a historiographical concept.

The Enlightenment: An Idea and Its History provides a critical historical analysis of the Enlightenment in England, Scotland, France, Germany, and the United States from c. 1650 to the present. It argues that the degree of commonality between social and intellectual movements in each—and, more broadly, between the five societies—has been overstated for polemical purposes. Clark shows that the concept of 'the Enlightenment' was not widely adopted in those societies until the mid-twentieth century; indeed, that it was unknown in the eighteenth. Without the concept, people at the time were unable to act in ways that would have created the Enlightenment as a coherent movement. Since the conventional account has held that the Enlightenment was a phenomenon, the idea could be used as a component of what has been called a 'civil religion': a summing up of the myths of origin, aims, and essential values of a society from which dissent is not permitted. An appreciation that it was instead a historiographical concept undermines, in turn, the idea that there was any great transition to what came to be called 'modernity'.

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About Mike Cooper

Mike Cooper is the pseudonym of a former financial executive. Under a different name his work has received wide recognition, including a Shamus Award, an International Thriller Writers Award nomination, and inclusion in Best American Mystery Stories. He lives in Boston.