“The Adventure of the German Student” is a ghost story set during the French Revolution. A young German student who is depressed and lonely has a recurrent dream about a beautiful female face. He begins to obsess over the features day and night.
Then one evening as he is walking home through the Place de Grève, where the guillotine stands, he sees the figure of a woman sitting and grieving on the steps of the scaffold. It is the woman from his dream. From this point things take a very strange turn …
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Washinton Irving (1783–1859), American essayist, novelist, and historian, was born in New York to a wealthy merchant. He studied law, but because of his delicate health, his family sent him on a tour of Europe, where he collected material later used in his stories and essays. The first American author to achieve international fame, his literary career served in many ways to consolidate the cultures of the United States and Europe.
Cathy Dobson is the author of Planet Germany and a narrator of audiobooks.