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Jack of All Trades: How to Master All Sorts of Skills in Short Amount of Time and Be a Modern Renaissance Person Audiobook

Jack of All Trades: How to Master All Sorts of Skills in Short Amount of Time and Be a Modern Renaissance Person Audiobook, by The INSTANT-Series Play Audiobook Sample
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Read By: The INSTANT-Series Publisher: Instant Series Publication Listen Time: at 1.0x Speed 1.67 hours at 1.5x Speed 1.25 hours at 2.0x Speed Series: The Instant Series Release Date: May 2019 Format: Unabridged Audiobook ISBN: 9781982731496

Quick Stats About this Audiobook

Total Audiobook Chapters:


Longest Chapter Length:

06:28 minutes

Shortest Chapter Length:

10 seconds

Average Chapter Length:

02:11 minutes

Audiobooks by this Author:


Publisher Description

ADDRESS TO: The One, who has an insatiable craving for acquiring new knowledge, developing new skills, or nurturing existing talents...

You are here "reading this" right now because you want to be able to learn all sorts of things in a short amount of time, whether to further your understanding of the world, master your craftsmanship, or continue your never-ending quest for learning.

Contained within "Jack of All Trades" - is everything you need to know about improving your learning and mastering your skills quickly, and what it takes to be a modern Renaissance person, or in this case "Jack of all trades."

* How to hack the learning process that would normally take 10,000 hours minimum to master any skill (to go from apprentice to master) into only 1 week, so you're not limited to only able to master on average 7 skills in a person's lifetime.

* How to properly pursue multiple things at once, which most people do completely wrong and end up getting nowhere, but do it right and you will not only find effective ways of doing things but approaching life as well.

* How to develop a photographic memory to grasp and remember things at a glance and retain them with ease, so you won't forget anything.

* How to get into teaching and be a great teacher yourself, to not only be more of a master of your crafts but leave your marks upon the world as your immortalized legacy (like the great Renaissance men of the past).

...and that's only barely scratching the surface - being compacted with tons of information to ultimate learning, studying, teaching, and mastering.

Become the rare breed who is multi-talented with your multiple masteries and endless knowledge. Become the contradicting enigma other people are drawn to by your mysterious aura, attractive charisma, and refreshing ways of thinking, doing, and being. Become the multifaceted modern Renaissance man or woman.

Who am I? I am the YOU that you shall soon to be.

Until we meet,

- Mr./Ms. Jack of all Trades

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