In this fast-paced, super-charged thriller series from real-life Black Ops veteran Leo J. Maloney, Alex Morgan, daughter of legendary operative Dan Morgan, comes into her own as an agent to be reckoned with . . .
With reports of an imminent terrorist attack in Chicago during a speech by the Vice President, Zeta Division is on high alert. Working with the FBI and the Secret Service, headquarters sends Alex Morgan to lead a tactical team. But when they barely escape the explosion of a large bomb, the danger only amps up, along with the death toll. Now a primary suspect, Alex gets a simple message from Zeta: RUN.
It's just the beginning of a harrowing cross country journey in which Alex will race to stop an attack on the largest uranium storage facility in the US, even as she's chased by both police and terrorists. While Zeta and Dan Morgan himself work frantically to gather reinforcements, Alex finds help from unlikely sources—one much closer home and with far more complex, and personal motives than she can imagine. But only one thing is clear: this is a fight Alex can't win alone.
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Leo J. Maloney spent over thirty-five years in black ops, accepting highly secretive missions that would put him in the most dangerous hot spots in the world. Since leaving that career, he has had the opportunity to try his hand at acting in independent films and television commercials. He has ten movies to his credit, both as an actor and behind the camera as a producer, technical advisor, and assistant director.