The dynamic second installment in the exciting, action-adventure middle-grade series featuring beloved and all-new characters from the world of G. I. Joe
In the next installment in this action-packed series, a group of ordinary kids finds themselves facing extraordinary circumstances yet again. The Average Joes may have stalled Cobra’s nefarious plans, but Springfield is still in trouble. Continuing the story where Stan, Julien, Zoro-me, and Scarlett left off, this heart-pounding thrill ride will enthrall G.I. Joe fans and action-adventure listeners alike.
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“Crackerjack science fiction action with a martial arts chaser.”
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Kelley Skovron is the author of Hacker’s Key,The Ghost of Drowned Meadow, and the G.I. Joe Classified series for kids, as well as books for teens and adults. They live just outside Washington, DC, with a cat, a dog, and a teenager, so there’s never a dull moment. Find them online at