Cigar Smoking: A Practical Guide to Smoking, Storing, and Pairing Cigars and How to Enjoy Cigars to the Fullest Cigar smoking is an age-old tradition that has been enjoyed by many people for centuries. From the high-class elites to the average person, cigar smoking has been a symbol of status, luxury, and relaxation. While some may argue that smoking is unhealthy, cigar smoking has a certain charm that draws people in. It's an experience that many consider to be a form of art. This audiobook will act as a perfect beginner’s guide, from selecting the perfect cigar to storing and aging, our expert guide provides step-by-step instructions for a seamless and enjoyable experience. With tips on pairing cigars with beverages and the history and culture behind this timeless pastime, this audiobook is perfect for beginners. This audiobook will cover the following topics: How to Choose the Best Cigar Accessories That Not Only Enhance Your Smoking Enjoyment but Also Your Image Obtaining Cuban Cigars How to Increase Taste and Flavor by Properly Cutting, Lighting and Burning Your Cigars How to Correctly Choose a Cigar The Secrets of Storing and Aging Cigars for Optimal Flavor and Quality How to Pair Cigars Cigar Etiquette The Best Way to Select a Cigar Gift If you want to learn more about cigars, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!
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