You can create an account during the checkout process when placing your first order. Once you’ve entered the requested information under the "New Customers" section during checkout, click the "Create Account" button.
Please ensure that both your username (email address) and password do NOT contain any of the following special characters or symbols: # + / ? % &
If your account was previously created with one of these special characters you may experience difficulties logging in to the website. If this is the case, please use the password reset tool . If you encounter any issues with the password reset tool please email us to initiate a password reset, or chat with us by clicking the chat link at the bottom right corner of our contact page .
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You can contact us by phone at (877) 565-1468 Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm CT.
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The best way to protect your account information is by adding a password to ensure you are the only one accessing your account. Passwords protect your account information, such as your address, library, order history, and payment information. Requiring a password ensures privacy of such information from others or if you access from a shared or public computer.
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If you've forgotten your Password and cannot log into your account, you may reset it using the following steps. (NOTE: Do NOT submit multiple reset requests because our system will reset your password again with each attempt. This will only result in further complications when you begin receiving the temporary password emails since you will not know which one is the correct and most recent password.)
To reset your password while NOT logged into your account: Go to the home page and click the "Login" link located at the top right of the page. This will take you to the "Login/Create Account" page. Click on the "Forgot your password?" link (above the Login button) and you will be asked to provide the email address that you used when setting up your account. Type your email address and click the "Submit" button. You will then receive a message stating "Your password has been reset..." and an email will be sent to the email account you entered in the Password Reset field with a new temporary password. Please be sure to check your SPAM or Junkmail folder if you do not receive an email from us within 15 minutes. If you do not know the email address associated with your account, or you still cannot locate the email from our system with the temporary password after 15 minutes, contact support for assistance.
To CHANGE your password while logged in: Click the "Account" link located on the top right of the home page and then choose "Account Details" from the dropdown menu. This will take you to your "My Account" dashboard. Under the heading "My Account," Click on the "Edit" link to the right of "Login Details". This will expand your details section so you can change your password, email address, and/or name.
Please note: Your password should be at least 6 characters and have at least one number for enhanced security.
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If you don't receive an email with a temporary password (please allow at least 15 minutes for the email to arrive), please check your "junk mail" or "spam" folder. If you do not see it there please contact us by chat by clicking on the chat link at the bottom right corner of our contact page , or by email .
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If you are able to log into your account, please log in and click on the "Account" link in the upper right hand corner of our site, then click on "Account Details". Click on the "Edit" button to the right of "Login Details" and you can change your email address (or password) in the appropriate field.
If you are not able to log into your account, please either email us or chat with us by clicking on the chat link at the bottom right corner of our contact page .
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If you are experiencing difficulties logging in it may be due to having outdated browser files known as "cookies." Typically clearing your web browser cache and then attempting to login again will fix the problem. We have included some browser-specific tips below. If you are still unable to sign in with your new password please email us or chat with us by clicking on the chat link at the bottom right corner of our contact page and we will further investigate the matter for you.
How to clear your Web Browser Cache
Please note: As browsers are updated frequently these instructions are subject to change at any time. If you have any questions always consult your browser’s help files for the most up-to-date instructions.
Google Chrome
Click the "Wrench" icon on the upper-right corner of your screen and then choose the "History" option. Look to the top left-hand corner of the history settings window and click the button labeled "Clear all browsing data." The "Clear browsing data" dialogue box will now appear. Please ensure that all items are checked EXCEPT for "Deauthorize Content Licenses." Also, please ensure that "Obliterate the following items from:" is set to "The beginning of time." Next, click the "Clear browsing data" button at the bottom-left corner of the dialogue box.
Internet Explorer 9
Click the cog/sprocket icon located at the top-right corner of the Internet Explorer browser window and choose "Internet Options." Look under "Browsing history" and click on "Delete." Be sure that all items are checked EXCEPT for "Preserve Favorites Website Data," and click the "Delete" button at the bottom of the "Delete Browsing History" dialogue box. Now click "Ok" to exit out of internet options.
If you do not see browser options at the top of your Firefox browser window (such as File, Edit, or View) right click anywhere on the top edge of the window and check ‘Menu Bar.’ Next, click the "Tools" dropdown and select the "Options" menu. Click on the "Privacy" option near the top and select the blue link that is labeled "Clear your recent history." Please ensure that all boxes are checked under the "Details" option. It is also important that the "Time range to clear" option is set to "Everything." Click "Clear Now" and OK.
At the Menu bar, click Safari and go to preferences. Click the Privacy icon, and look under "Remove All Website Data." Look directly below "remove all website data" and you should see "X websites that store cookies and other data." If you have passwords setup on specific sites, write them down for future use. Click "Remove All Website Data," to clear your browser cache and cookies. Close Safari, re-launch, and login to your account.
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Due to the immense convenience and greatly reduced environmental impact of digital downloads we no longer offer audiobooks on cassettes, CDs, or MP3 CDs. Please note that our audiobooks can easily be converted to CD if you prefer that format.
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Yes, you can purchase audiobooks at non-member prices without signing up for a FlexPass™ membership by choosing the Regular Price option on the product detail pages. Please note... If you've already added a product to the cart using the FlexPass™ promotional option, simply click the "Remove FlexPass" link within the yellow banner on the shopping cart page and the product's price will revert to the Regular Price (non-member price).
(NOTE: Although membership is not required when purchasing at Regular Price , a valid (FREE) cloud account is required for all purchases. Your FREE cloud account provides access to your audiobooks from any computer and serves as your login credentials when using our award winning apps.)
FlexPass™ membership was designed to make listening more economical for all customers, whether you're a light or heavy listener. Your ridiculously low $9.95 FlexPass™ membership fee unlocks extremely discounted pricing on ALL audiobooks in our inventory (over 90% priced at or below $12.95).
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Unabridged audiobooks consist of the book in its entirety, exactly as it was written. No content is edited or omitted. Readers are listening to the book precisely as the author intended it to be heard.
Abridged audio books are a shortened version of the original. They may be condensed due to time constraints, or in some cases due to content. Abridged audiobooks may have sections of the book removed although the publishers typically try to come close to the "spirit" of the original writing.
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At this time, we do not offer a free physical copy when you purchase a downloadable audiobook.
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The answer to this question is based on a variety of factors and depends primarily on your internet provider’s speed. A high speed internet connection, such as DSL, Cable or Fiber Optic is recommended for fast downloading.
A typical audiobook is about 10-12 hours in length - roughly 300-400 Megabytes. With a 7 Megabit broadband connection to your PC or Mac, it would take approximately 6-7 minutes to download an entire book.
For our mobile App, you can choose to use either a WiFi connection (when available) or a wireless 3G/4G/LTE (data) connection. WiFi will be a much faster and more reliable connection than using your wireless carrier’s internet connection. Typically a home WiFi connection will download a standard title in about 7-10 minutes.
Please note this is just an approximation based on a certain set of circumstances. Your experience may vary.
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We can accept US and international orders for audiobooks with resale rights in your particular geographical location, as dictated by the publisher of the audiobook. Geographic resale rights restrictions are integrated into the website checkout. If the publisher does not allow a particular audiobook to be sold within your geographical region, you will receive a notice to that effect during the checkout process. If you feel there is an error and you should be able to purchase the audiobook (perhaps you are active US military overseas), please contact customer care so that we may review your issue and help in any way we can.
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All digital downloads you have purchased from will be displayed on your "My Library" page when logged in. Your order history can be accessed by clicking the "Account Details" link on your "My Library" page.
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After logging into your account, click the "My Library" text link in the top right area of our site, which will bring you to your "My Library" page.
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No, our audiobooks do not include transcriptions.
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At this time, we cannot offer a free downloadable copy when you already purchased an audiobook on physical media. Certain publisher restrictions prevent us from being able to provide this service.
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You can send an email to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Chat and phone support hours are from 8AM - 5PM CST M-F. It is our goal to have a response to you within 24-48 hours of receipt of your request.
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By writing reviews you can have your voice and opinion heard. Additionally you will be assisting other customers in making informed decisions about audiobooks they are considering purchasing.
Please note that you can review any title on its product page regardless of whether you purchased the audiobook.
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To receive exclusive savings and coupon offers, as well as updates on new titles, sign up for our email newsletter. You can either opt in to the newsletter through your account settings or click on the "Sign me up!" section in the second orange banner on our home page.
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What is "My Library?"
"My Library" is a listing of all digital download titles that you’ve purchased from It is also where you go to download your audiobooks to your computer or laptop.
Please note: if you are using a browser on a mobile device operated by Android or iOS, we advise installing our free app by clicking on the appropriate link below:
AudiobookStore App for Android on Google Play
AudiobookStore App for iOS devices on iTunes
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If you received a message informing you that your account was temporarily locked please contact Customer Care for assistance. Please note that accounts are only temporarily locked for your protection if potentially suspicious activity is detected.
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Currently there are a few ways to contact
1. Send us an email by us by clicking on this link .
2. Chat with us by clicking on the chat link at the bottom right corner of our website.
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On our website:
While not logged in: Simply search for the title and click the "rate this audiobook" link directly beneath the star rating.
While logged in: Navigate to "My Library" and click "Write a Review" by the audiobook you’d like to review.
Though our App:
While on the player screen, tap on the "settings" button and then choose the "Rate this Audiobook!" option.
Please note that you can write a review for any title on its product page regardless of whether you have purchased it or not.
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You can reach our Customer Care team by email here .
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The following guidelines are meant to assist you in writing a review that is helpful to customers.
Helpful hints:
Keep your review specific to the book you are reviewing
Let us know what you liked or disliked and why
Please give us at least 40 words but no more than 5,000
Have fun with it—we will not be grading your work!
What is not allowed?:
Profane or obscene phrases and words
Personal attacks
Promotion of illegal or immoral behavior
Promotional content such as advertisements
Discouraged content:
Spoilers — you don’t want to ruin it for someone else
Don’t include any personal information, phone numbers, addresses, etc.
Customer service or technical issues – Please contact us directly for issues such as these by clicking on the link here .
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We're so sure you'll love saving money with FlexPass™ that you'll never want to cancel your membership, but if you do decide you'd like to cancel you shouldn't be penalized for it. You'll always have access to your purchased audiobooks, even if you cancel FlexPass™. Your library titles will always be available and can be re-downloaded as many times as needed. Simply log into your account on your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device (via our award winning apps), click or tap "My Library" and you'll have the same instant access to all of your audiobooks.
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To cancel your FlexPass membership and avoid any additional monthly membership charges simply follow these quick steps.
On a desktop or laptop computer log into your account on, click the "Account" link at the top of the page, and then "Account Details" from the drop-down menu. Once on the Account Details screen, simply choose "Cancel FlexPass" under the "FlexPass Details" section and be sure to choose "Confirm" (your FlexPass account will NOT be cancelled unless you click "Confirm").
On a mobile device such as a phone or tablet with a smaller screen visit, tap the navigation menu icon at the top left of the screen (it looks like 3 horizontally stacked white lines), then choose/tap “Login”. After logging into your account tap the menu icon at the top left of the screen again and tap “My Account” and then “Account Details”. Once on the Account Details screen, simply choose “Cancel FlexPass” under the “FlexPass Details” section and be sure to choose “Confirm” (your FlexPass account will NOT be cancelled unless you click “Confirm”).
After clicking “Confirm” you will be emailed confirmation for your records that you have cancelled your FlexPass membership. Please check your spam/junk mail folder for the confirmation email if you do not see it in your in-box. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours of canceling, please reach back out to customer care to confirm cancelation.
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FlexPass™ membership is only $9.95 per month and provides exclusive access to super low prices on every audiobook in our store (90% are priced at or below $12.95 with membership). As long as you’re a member, your FlexPass™ benefits never expire - so download as many audiobooks as you want, whenever you want. Click here for more information about FlexPass™.
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Yes, you can purchase audiobooks at non-member prices without signing up for a FlexPass™ membership by choosing the Regular Price option on the product detail pages. Please note... If you've already added a product to the cart using the FlexPass™ promotional option, simply click the "Remove FlexPass" link within the yellow banner on the shopping cart page and the product's price will revert to the Regular Price (non-member price).
(NOTE: Although membership is not required when purchasing at Regular Price , a valid (FREE) cloud account is required for all purchases. Your FREE cloud account provides access to your audiobooks from any computer and serves as your login credentials when using our award winning apps.)
FlexPass™ membership was designed to make listening more economical for all customers, whether you're a light or heavy listener. Your ridiculously low $9.95 FlexPass™ membership fee unlocks extremely discounted pricing on ALL audiobooks in our inventory (over 90% priced at or below $12.95).
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There are no complicated subscriptions at We offer one simple and convenient membership plan. Listen to more without committing to more!
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With FlexPass™ membership, which is only $9.95 per month, you will receive exclusive access to super low prices on every audiobook in our store (90% are priced at or below $12.95 with membership). As long as you’re a member, your FlexPass™ benefits never expire - so download as many audiobooks as you want, whenever you want.
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To sign up for FlexPass™, find an audiobook you wish to purchase, click (or tap if on a mobile device) the button just beneath the FlexPass™ Price option to add the audiobook to your cart and instantly active FlexPass™ pricing throughout our entire audiobook catalog. At this point you may complete checkout or shop for additional audiobooks at the reduced FlexPass™ price, and complete checkout once you're finished shopping. Once you're enrolled, simply login to see your exclusive FlexPass™ prices and purchase as many audiobooks as your heart desires at our super low FlexPass™ member prices.
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No. There is no need for codes, tokens, or credits to save with All that is required is to sign up and start listening!
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Our audiobook content is currently DRM (Digital Rights Management) free! This means you are allowed an unhindered experience with the audiobooks you have purchased. You may play your purchased audiobooks on any number of computers and/or popular mobile devices that you own.
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.M4b files are compatible with iTunes and will play on almost all Apple devices. These are the latest advancement in audio file technology. They are audiobook-friendly versions of m4a files which are smaller while offering better sound quality. The m4b files can be "bookmarked" allowing you to return to the last listening point of your audiobook.
.Mp3 files offer the widest compatibility of nearly any audio format. These are the most widely used form of compressed audio files. They download quickly and play in most media players. If you’re using an older operating system or media device, download mp3 files to ensure the highest compatibility.
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An internet connection is only required to download your audiobook to your device. Once downloaded an internet connection is not required and you can listen to your audiobook while offline or in airplane mode.
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Yes, you can burn your audiobook to a CD for your individual use only. Please consult your preferred CD burning software manufacturer’s documentation for more detailed information. For general information related to burning to CD (or DVD) using Mac OSX or Windows operating system's built-in burning functionality, please see the FAQ below titled, "How do I burn an audiobook to a CD or DVD?"
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Our audiobooks are available in standard mp3 format and are compatible with PC and Mac desktop and laptop computers, as well as popular mobile devices including all iOS devices (such as iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc) and all Android devices.
For the best experience on mobile devices such as phones and tablets we highly recommend downloading our Free Apps for Android and iOS devices from the following links:
AudiobookStore App for Android on Google Play
AudiobookStore App for iOS devices on iTunes
Note: Although our app is fully compatible with Kindle Fire, and is available in the Amazon Appstore, the device itself appears to be restricting our app from downloading (as well as similar apps from similar services). However, you may still transfer and play your downloaded audiobooks on eReaders such as Kindle Fire and Nook Color/Tablet by following the manufacturer's recommended method for transferring mp3 files onto the device, or refer to the corresponding FAQ for downloading and syncing files using your PC.
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To delete an audiobook from your app's library‚ navigate to the "My Library" screen (if you're on the playback screen simply swipe or drag it down to go back to the "My Library" screen). Tap and hold on the audiobook you'd like to delete and then choose "Delete Book" from the "Book Actions" menu that appears. Alternately you can swipe to the left on the audiobook image on the "My Library" screen, tap the Trash icon that appears to the right of the audiobook title, and then tap "Yes" in the "Delete Book" dialog box to confirm deletion. Please note that deleted audiobooks can always be downloaded again at any time.
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What is an .m4b file?
M4B is an advanced file format allowing for chapter searches and bookmarking when listening to audiobooks. These files are best when used on an Apple iOS device, such as an iPhone, iPad or iPod. Not all audio players support the .m4b format.
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What is an .mp3 file?
An MP3 file is a basic compressed audio file, which allows it to be sent easily over the Internet. It is the most compatible audio format and is supported by a multitude of devices.
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Windows PC
To burn an audiobook (or multiple audiobooks) to a CD or DVD in Windows perform the following steps.
1) Insert a blank writable disc, such as a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW disc, into your computer's CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc burner.
2) In the "AutoPlay" dialog box that appears, click "Burn files to disc using Windows Explorer." If the "AutoPlay" dialog box does not appear, click the Windows Start button, then click "Computer", and then double-click your disc burner.
3) In the "Burn a Disc" dialog box, type a name for the disc in the "Disc title" box, click "With a CD/DVD player", and then click "Next."
4) Open the folder that contains the files you want to burn, and then drag the files into the empty disc folder. Note: to select more than one item, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click the files you want to burn.
5) On the toolbar, click "Burn to disc", and then follow the steps in the wizard. Afterward the selected files will be copied to the disc. When the disc burning is complete, the disc burner tray will open and you can remove the disc.
Apple Mac
To burn an audiobook (or multiple audiobooks) to a CD or DVD in OSX perform the following steps.
1) Insert a blank writable disc, such as a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW disc, into your Mac's CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc burner.
2) Choose "Open Finder" from the Action pop-up menu and then click "OK."
3) Your blank disc will now appear as an icon on your desktop but its icon lets you know that it's a recordable CD or DVD.
4) Drag your audiobook files onto the disc icon until the disc contains all the files you wish to burn to the disc.
5) Open the disc icon and click the "Burn" button in the top-right corner of the disc's window, or click the "Burn" icon (which looks like a radioactivity warning sign) to the right of the disc in the sidebar.
6) Choose a burning speed from the "Burn Speed" pop-up menu, click the "Burn" button, and in just a few minutes your disc will be finished.
NOTE: The above is only meant to provide general guidance based on the Mac OSX and Windows operating system's built-in disc burning functionality. If you have trouble with this process, please consult Apple or Windows technical support for assistance. Unfortunately we are not equipped to troubleshoot third party applications or operating systems.
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It is possible that your audiobook download was interrupted when you originally initiated the download process, which is typically caused by wifi or data signal loss. This can result in some tracks/chapters failing to completely download.
If this is the case, simply resume downloading by navigating to the "Tracks/Chapters" screen of the affected audiobook (tap the audiobook image on the "My Library" screen and then tap the menu icon in the upper right corner of the audio player) . On the "Tracks/Chapters" screen, locate the track/chapter with the dark black cloud icon, which will directly follow the last successfully downloaded track/chapter, and tap it (the cloud icon) to begin the download process again. Once you tap the black cloud icon, the remaining tracks/chapters will download automatically, as long as you have a stable wifi or cellular data connection.
If the previous step does not resolve your issue, try deleting the audiobook and downloading it again (note your current playback position before deleting so you can easily return to that position once you download the tracks/chapters again) . To delete the audiobook, navigate to the "My Library" screen and hold your finger down on the audiobook image until the "Delete Audiobook?" message appears. Tap "Yes" to confirm deletion. After deleting the audiobook, tap the audiobook icon again to restart the download process (make sure your "Filter" setting is set to "Show my entire Library" if you no longer see the audiobook you just deleted) .
If downloading the audiobook again does not fix the playback issue, as a last resort try deleting and reinstalling our app (NOTE: Before uninstalling, make a note of your bookmark location(s), for all of your audiobooks, since uninstalling will remove your audiobooks and bookmarks from the device) . After reinstalling, log into the app again and you will see your title(s) available again in your "My Library". Ensure you have a stable wifi or cellular data connection and download your audiobook(s) again.
This last step (reinstalling the app) is an extreme suggestion, but based on feedback we've received from some customers, this option actually resolves most issues. There is always the potential (with any app) that something becomes corrupt with the database, and performing a reinstall typically resolves most issues.
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On an iOS device there are 2 ways you can update our app to the latest version.
1) Open the "App Store" app on your device and choose the "Updates" icon in the lower right of the screen. Once on the "Updates" screen, scroll through the apps list until you see the "Audiobook Store" app and tap the "UPDATE" button to initiate the update.
2) Open the "App Store" app on your device and search for "audiobookstore". Look for our green square icon with black and white "" lettering and tap the "UPDATE" button to initiate the update.
1) If your device is set to receive and install application updates automatically there's nothing you need to do. It will always be taken care of in the background by Android.
2) If your device is not set to receive and install application updates automatically you will receive a message from Google Play informing you when an update is available. Simply follow the prompts to update.
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If you are experiencing technical difficulties retrieving your download or playing it on your device please email us or initiate a chat session by clicking on the orange button at the bottom right corner of our website. When contacting us please be sure to include your name, telephone number (if you are requesting phone assistance), order number (if available), and details of the download issue. It is our goal to respond to all email correspondence within 24 to 48 hours. Please note that all purchases of audiobook downloads are considered final.
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Here are a few things to try:
1) On the "My Library" screen of the app tap the menu icon at the upper right corner of that screen (it looks like 3 stacked white dots), then tap "Refresh" to sync your library and refresh it with your latest purchase(s). Alternately you can swipe down from the top of the "My Library" screen to refresh/sync your library. Make sure you are connected to either wifi or your cellular data network before syncing. Without an internet connection it is impossible for the app to update.
2) If you still do not see your new audiobook(s) in the list, make sure you have either "(No filter)" or "Not Downloaded" selected from the "Downloaded Filter" options menu, "(No filter)" selected from the "Completed Filter" options menu, and "Purchased Date (newest)" selected from the "Change Sort" options menu. You can find the "Downloaded Filter", "Completed Filter", and "Change Sort" options in the menu that appears after tapping the menu icon in the upper right corner of the "My Library" screen (it looks like 3 stacked white dots).
3) Try logging out and then logging back into the app. This forces the refreshing of the app's database with our servers more thoroughly than a swipe-refresh. To log out, go to the "Settings & Options" screen and tap the green toggle button to the right of your email address under the "Account" section.
4) If the above steps do not work, try deleting and reinstalling our app. NOTE: Before uninstalling, make a note of your bookmark location(s) since uninstalling will remove your audiobooks and bookmarks from the device. After reinstalling, log in again and see your title(s) are now available. We realize this is a somewhat extreme measure, but based on feedback we've received from some customers, this option actually resolves most issues. There is always the potential (with any app) that something becomes corrupt with the database, and performing a reinstall typically resolves most issues.
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Often errors can occur in web browsers due to older "cookies" or "offline files" that can conflict with your current browsing experience. As our browsers are continually updated, some of the steps below are subject to change. If you have any questions always consult your browser’s help files for the most up-to-date instructions.
Google Chrome
Click the "Wrench" icon on the upper-right corner of your screen and then choose the "History" option. Look to the top left-hand corner of the history settings window and click the button labeled "Clear all browsing data." The "Clear browsing data" dialogue box will now appear. Please ensure that all items are checked EXCEPT for "Deauthorize Content Licenses." Also, please ensure that "Obliterate the following items from:" is set to "The beginning of time." Next, click the "Clear browsing data" button at the bottom-left corner of the dialogue box.
Internet Explorer 9
Click the cog/sprocket icon located at the top-right corner of the Internet Explorer browser window and choose "Internet Options." Look under "Browsing history" and click on "Delete." Be sure that all items are checked EXCEPT for "Preserve Favorites Website Data," and click the "Delete" button at the bottom of the "Delete Browsing History" dialogue box. Now click "Ok" to exit out of internet options.
If you do not see browser options at the top of your Firefox browser window (such as File, Edit, or View) right click anywhere on the top edge of the window and check ‘Menu Bar.’ Next, click the "Tools" dropdown and select the "Options" menu. Click on the "Privacy" option near the top and select the blue link that is labeled "Clear your recent history." Please ensure that all boxes are checked under the "Details" option. It is also important that the "Time range to clear" option is set to "Everything." Click "Clear Now" and OK.
At the Menu bar, click Safari and go to preferences. Click the Privacy icon, and look under "Remove All Website Data." Look directly below "remove all website data" and you should see "X websites that store cookies and other data." If you have passwords setup on specific sites, write them down for future use. Click "Remove All Website Data," to clear your browser cache and cookies. Close Safari, re-launch, and login to your account.
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If you receive the following error message when attempting to login: "The email address or password you entered is incorrect", please ensure that your account email address and password match what you used when you created your account. If you have forgotten or lost your password you can reset it by using the "Forgot your password?" form or by contacting Customer Care via email or chat by clicking on the orange chat button at the lower right of our site. It's also possible that a typo in the email address provided when initially creating your account may be causing the issue. To check for this and correct it please contact customer care for assistance.
If after resetting your password you are still unable to login, please ensure that you have enabled cookies and javascript in your web browser per the following instructions (based on the particular browser you're using).
To enable cookies in Firefox:
1. Click the menu icon (3 horizontal lines) at the top right of the Firefox window.
2. Click "Options."
3. Click "Privacy" on the sidebar menu.
4. Under "History" ensure that it is set to "Firefox will remember history."
To enable Javascript in Firefox:
1. Type about:config into the Address Bar.
2. Find the Preference Name entry for javascript.enabled.
3. Ensure that the Value is set to True.
To enable cookies in Chrome:
1. Click the menu icon (3 horizontal lines) at the top right of the Chrome window.
2. Click Settings and then "Show advanced settings..." at the bottom of the Settings window.
3. In the "Privacy" section, click "Content settings".
4. Under the "Cookies" section ensure that it is set to "Allow local data to be set (recommended).
To enable Javascript in Chrome:
1. Click the menu icon (3 horizontal lines) at the top right of the Chrome window.
2. Click Settings and then "Show advanced settings..." at the bottom of the Settings window.
3. In the "Privacy" section, click "Content settings".
4. Under the "Javascript" section ensure that it is set to "Allow all sites to run Javascript (recommended).
Internet Explorer
To enable cookies in Internet Explorer:
1. Click the gear-shaped Tools button at the top right of the Internet Explorer window, and then tap or click Internet options.
2. Click the Privacy tab, and under Settings, move the slider to the bottom to allow cookies, and then tap or click OK.
To enable Javascript in Internet Explorer:
1. On the web browser menu, click Tools or the "Tools" icon (which looks like a gear), and select Internet Options.
2. Select the Security tab.
3. On the "Security" tab, make sure the Internet zone is selected, and then click on the "Custom level..." button.
4. In the Security Settings – Internet Zone dialog box, click Enable for Active Scripting in the Scripting section.
5. When the "Warning!" window opens and asks, "Are you sure you want to change the settings for this zone?" select Yes.
6. Click OK at the bottom of the Internet Options window to close the dialog.
7. Click the Refresh button to refresh the page and run scripts.
To enable cookies in Edge:
1. In Microsoft Edge click on the More actions button (...) in the top right corner and select Settings.
2. Scroll down the settings and click on the "View advanced settings" button.
3. Under "Cookies" select "Don't block cookies."
To enable Javascript in Edge:
Javascript is enabled by default in Edge.
To enable cookies in the desktop version of Safari:
1. Choose Safari > Preferences, click Privacy, then select the "Cookies and website data" option.
2. Make sure it's set to "Always allow", "Allow from current website only" or "Allow from websites I visit."
To enable Javascript in the desktop version of Safari:
1. Choose Safari > Preferences, click Privacy, then select the "Security" option.
2. In the Web content section, ensure that the "Enable JavaScript" check box has been checked.
To enable cookies in Opera:
1. From the main menu, select "Settings."
2. Click "Privacy & security" in the sidebar.
3. Under "Cookies", select "Allow local data to be set (recommended)."
To enable JavaScript in Opera:
1. From the main menu, select "Settings."
2. Click "Websites" on the sidebar.
3. Under "JavaScript", select "Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended)."
To enable cookies in the mobile version of Chrome:
1. Tap the More icon (3 vertically stacked dots) at the top right of the app.
2. Tap "Settings."
3. Tap "Site settings."
4. Ensure that "Cookies" is set to "Allowed."
To enable JavaScript in the mobile version of Chrome:
1. Tap the More icon (3 vertically stacked dots) at the top right of the app.
2. Tap "Settings."
3. Tap "Site settings."
4. Ensure that "JavaScript" is set to "Allowed."
To enable cookies in the mobile version of Safari (iOS 8 or later):
1. Tap Settings > Safari > Block Cookies and choose one of the following: Allow from Current Websites Only, Allow from Websites I Visit, or Always Allow. In iOS 7 or earlier, choose "Always."
To enable Javascript in the mobile version of Safari:
1. JavaScript is on by default. To check your settings and ensure it's enabled, tap Settings > Safari > Advanced and "turn JavaScript on."
To enable cookies in the mobile version of Firefox:
1. Tap the More icon (3 vertically stacked dots).
2. Tap "Settings."
3. Tap "Privacy."
4. Ensure that "Cookies" is set to "Enabled."
To enable JavaScript in the mobile version of Firefox:
1. Javascript is enabled by default in the mobile version of Firefox.
To enable cookies in the mobile version of Opera:
1. Tap the red Opera icon at the top right of the app.
2. Tap "Settings."
3. Under the "Advanced" section ensure that "Cookies" is set to "Enabled."
To enable Javascript in the mobile version of Firefox:
1. Javascript is enabled by default in the mobile version of Opera.
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At this time audiobooks cannot be sent as gifts. However you can send an gift certificate which allows the recipient to choose their own audiobooks. If you'd like the recipient to use the gift certificate for a specific audiobook you can suggest it in the "Message to Recipient" section when filling out the certificate information. Make sure that the gift certificate is for an amount equal to or greater than the price of the audiobook. gift certificates can be purchased by clicking the white "Gifts" link at the top of the page in the orange bar (or click here ).
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To purchase and send a gift certificate visit this page . Choose the amount of the gift certificate and fill in all the details (make sure the recipient's email address is correct or they will not receive the notification email). You can choose to email the recipient immediately or have the notification email delivered to the recipient on a later date of your choosing. You can also choose to print the gift certificate instead of emailing it. If you choose this option a link to the printable version will be emailed to you as well once the transaction is complete.
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To redeem your gift certificate go to and browse our inventory of top selling audiobooks. When you've found an audiobook you'd like to purchase, enter the code on the checkout page (the last step in the checkout process) under the "Use Credit or Gift / Coupon Code" section. Once redeemed you may then apply the amount to your purchase total with the "Apply Credit" button that'll you'll see in the checkout. When prompted, log into your account if you're already an customer, or set up a free account if you're new to To view your remaining balance, visit your Account Details page ,
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We accept most major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. You may also pay using Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Amazon Pay. We do not accept any other forms of payment at this time, such as Paypal, Bitcoin, Check or Money Order.
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We've partnered with Stripe as a trusted payment processor. Stripe tokenizes and encrypts the information when you provide your credit card details during a transaction. This means that your sensitive data is converted into a unique identifier, or token, and securely stored on Stripe's PCI Level 1 compliant servers. Your actual credit card details are never stored on our servers, adding an extra layer of security to your information. Stripe's commitment to industry-leading security standards ensures the protection and confidentiality of your payment data throughout the entire transaction process.
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Yes. We accept most major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. You may also pay using Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Amazon Pay.
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In order to enter or change your credit card information perform the following steps.
1) Log into your account using the "Login" link at the top-right of our site.
2) Click on the "Account" link at the top-right of our site and choose "Account Details" from the dropdown menu to go to your account page.
3) Find the "Payment Information" section and click "Edit".
4) Enter your credit card details in the appropriate fields and click the "Save" button when complete.
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In the event of a billing error, or an incorrect charge to your credit card, you can either email us or chat with us by clicking on the chat link at the bottom right corner of our contact page . Please be sure to include your name, telephone number, order number (if available), and details of the billing issue. PLEASE DO NOT include any credit card information. It is our goal to respond to all email correspondence within 24 to 48 hours.
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If for any reason your order is incorrect, you can chat with us by clicking on the chat link (the orange button) at the bottom right corner of our contact page or email us to report the situation. Please be sure to include your name, telephone number (if you are requesting phone assistance), order number (if available), and details regarding the issue. PLEASE DO NOT include any credit card information. It is our goal to respond to all email correspondence within 24 to 48 hours.
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For your protection, we ask that you enter an extra 3-4 digit number variously referred to as the CSV, CVV, or CVN when making a purchase. This code provides an extra layer of protection against credit card fraud. The code is not your PIN number. It is an extra ID printed on your credit card.
Visa, MasterCard, and Discover: The code is the three-digit number following the credit card number on the back of the card in the top-right corner of the signature box.
American Express: The code is the four-digit number on the right and directly above the credit card number on the front of the card
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Our audiobooks are compatible with PC and Mac desktop and laptop computers, as well as popular mobile devices including all iOS devices (such as iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc) and all Android devices.
For the best experience we highly recommend downloading our Free Apps for Android and iOS devices from the following links:
AudiobookStore App for Android on Google Play
AudiobookStore App for iOS devices on iTunes
Note: Although our app is fully compatible with Kindle Fire, and is available in the Amazon Appstore, the device itself appears to be restricting our app from downloading (as well as similar apps from similar services). However, you may still transfer and play your downloaded audiobooks on eReaders such as Kindle Fire and Nook Color/Tablet by following the manufacturer's recommended method for transferring mp3 files onto the device, or refer to the corresponding guide under the "Download/Sync/Transfer" section of our FAQs for downloading and syncing files using your PC.
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Our site is compatible with the most popular web browsers for PC, Mac and Mobile Devices, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox.
After making purchases with your preferred web browser, you can access "My Library" to initiate a download of a title to your PC or Mac. For mobile devices, we recommend downloading and installing the Free app. Anytime you purchase a new title, the App will detect and make it available to download to your library bookshelf. You can then immediately begin listening to the book!
Note: If you’re not using a cellular data plan you must be near a strong Wi-Fi (Wireless) connection to download books.
You can download our app from the following links:
AudiobookStore App for Android on Google Play
AudiobookStore App for iOS devices on iTunes
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When viewing your "Library" find your title and click the "Download" to its right and then choose what type of format you wish to use. After your download is complete if you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded.
(Note: you will have to re-download the books in the new format.)
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Due to the length of some audiobooks, it is necessary to split them up into multiple downloads. This allows you to start listening to the first chapter as soon as it is downloaded without having to wait for the rest of the book to finish downloading.
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To delete an audiobook from your app's library , navigate to the "My Library" screen and hold your finger down on the audiobook image until the "Delete Audiobook?" message appears. Tap "Yes" to confirm deletion. Please note that you can always download it again in the future if you decide to listen to it again.
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Windows PC
To burn an audiobook (or multiple audiobooks) to a CD or DVD in Windows perform the following steps.
1) Insert a blank writable disc, such as a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW disc, into your computer's CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc burner.
2) In the "AutoPlay" dialog box that appears, click "Burn files to disc using Windows Explorer." If the "AutoPlay" dialog box does not appear, click the Windows Start button, then click "Computer", and then double-click your disc burner.
3) In the "Burn a Disc" dialog box, type a name for the disc in the "Disc title" box, click "With a CD/DVD player", and then click "Next."
4) Open the folder that contains the files you want to burn, and then drag the files into the empty disc folder. Note: to select more than one item, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click the files you want to burn.
5) On the toolbar, click "Burn to disc", and then follow the steps in the wizard. Afterward the selected files will be copied to the disc. When the disc burning is complete, the disc burner tray will open and you can remove the disc.
Apple Mac
To burn an audiobook (or multiple audiobooks) to a CD or DVD in OSX perform the following steps.
1) Insert a blank writable disc, such as a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW disc, into your Mac's CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc burner.
2) Choose "Open Finder" from the Action pop-up menu and then click "OK."
3) Your blank disc will now appear as an icon on your desktop but its icon lets you know that it's a recordable CD or DVD.
4) Drag your audiobook files onto the disc icon until the disc contains all the files you wish to burn to the disc.
5) Open the disc icon and click the "Burn" button in the top-right corner of the disc's window, or click the "Burn" icon (which looks like a radioactivity warning sign) to the right of the disc in the sidebar.
6) Choose a burning speed from the "Burn Speed" pop-up menu, click the "Burn" button, and in just a few minutes your disc will be finished.
NOTE: The above is only meant to provide general guidance based on the Mac OSX and Windows operating system's built-in disc burning functionality. If you have trouble with this process, please consult Apple or Windows technical support for assistance. Unfortunately we are not equipped to troubleshoot third party applications or operating systems.
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NOTE: Some MP3 players may come with special software to install in order to transfer files from a PC to the MP3 Player. If this is the case, please utilize the manufacturers software in lieu of the procedures below. Consult their documentation for more detailed information if necessary.
Click the "Download & Play on Computer" link to the left of your audiobook in "My Library". The format selection dialogue box will appear. Choose the .mp3 format (m4b is for Apple portable devices).
Now click the orange "Download" button in the format selection window for each audiobook file (some titles contain multiple files). Once completed, browse to the "Downloads" folder which will contain your purchase. Unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded.
On a PC you can access the "Downloads" folder by going back to the Windows Start button and clicking "Documents", then clicking "Downloads" on the far left hand column of the Documents window (if using another web browser besides Internet Explorer, please go to that browser’s respective Download folder) and leave the folder open.
On a Mac you can access the "Downloads" folder by clicking on the Finder (desktop), opening a new finder window (tap the Command+N keys at the same time), and choosing the "Downloads" folder under the "Favorites" list in the left column of the window. You can also click the "Go" menu at the top of the screen and choose "Downloads" to open the folder containing your downloaded files.
Connect your MP3 Player via a USB cable to an available USB port on your computer.
Next, you will receive a Removable Disk dialogue box with some options. Choose the "Open folder to view files" link under General Options. A new "Removable Disk" window will open. Browse to the "Music" folder (if available). Every device will be formatted slightly differently; simply move your audiobooks into the same folder that you would use for a normal music file.
Now drag and drop your purchase from the "Downloads" folder over to the appropriate folder and your purchase will be available for listening on your MP3 player.
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Log into your account and access your purchased content via the "My Library" link at the top right of our site, using the PC or Mac you wish to download it onto. Find your title and click the "Download" button to the right of it, and then choose your preferred audio format to initiate downloading. Afterward if you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. You can also download audio content to most popular mobile devices as well. See the other guides under the "Download/Sync/Transfer" of our FAQs for full details.
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To access the Supplementary or Bonus material that may be included with your audiobook such as pdf files, log into your account using a desktop or laptop computer. Supplementary or Bonus material cannot be downloaded from a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet, only from a desktop or laptop computer (see below for more details).
Once logged into your account click the "My Library" link at the top of the page. On your "My Library" page click the orange "Download" button next to the audiobook with the Supplemental or Bonus material and save the appropriately labelled files to your computer.
(NOTE: Supplemental or Bonus content cannot be downloaded using a mobile device such as a phone or tablet due to various compatibility considerations between so many different devices. For this reason you will need to use a laptop or desktop computer to access your supplementary files. If you wish to then read or view such materials on your mobile device, check your device manufacturer's documentation related to file compatibility and uploading content directly to the device manually, or use a cloud storage service such as Dropbox to access the content using your device. Depending on the device you're using and the total file size of the material you may also be able to email the file(s) to yourself and access them from your device by opening the file(s) as email attachments.)
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It is possible that your audiobook download was interrupted when you originally initiated the download process, which is typically caused by wifi or data signal loss. This can result in some tracks/chapters failing to completely download.
If this is the case, simply resume downloading by navigating to the "Tracks/Chapters" screen of the affected audiobook (tap the audiobook image on the "My Library" screen and then tap the menu icon in the upper right corner of the audio player) . On the "Tracks/Chapters" screen, locate the track/chapter with the dark black cloud icon, which will directly follow the last successfully downloaded track/chapter, and tap it (the cloud icon) to begin the download process again. Once you tap the black cloud icon, the remaining tracks/chapters will download automatically, as long as you have a stable wifi or cellular data connection.
If the previous step does not resolve your issue, try deleting the audiobook and downloading it again (note your current playback position before deleting so you can easily return to that position once you download the tracks/chapters again) . To delete the audiobook, navigate to the "My Library" screen and hold your finger down on the audiobook image until the "Delete Audiobook?" message appears. Tap "Yes" to confirm deletion. After deleting the audiobook, tap the audiobook icon again to restart the download process (make sure your "Filter" setting is set to "Show my entire Library" if you no longer see the audiobook you just deleted) .
If downloading the audiobook again does not fix the playback issue, as a last resort try deleting and reinstalling our app (NOTE: Before uninstalling, make a note of your bookmark location(s), for all of your audiobooks, since uninstalling will remove your audiobooks and bookmarks from the device) . After reinstalling, log into the app again and you will see your title(s) available again in your "My Library". Ensure you have a stable wifi or cellular data connection and download your audiobook(s) again.
This last step (reinstalling the app) is an extreme suggestion, but based on feedback we've received from some customers, this option actually resolves most issues. There is always the potential (with any app) that something becomes corrupt with the database, and performing a reinstall typically resolves most issues.
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Downloading your purchase(s) to your mobile device while using a built-in web browser is currently not supported as most browsers only download a partial section of your audiobook.
We recommend either installing our free app from the links below for Apple and Android devices, or using the methods outlined in the other guides under the "Download/Sync/Transfer" section of our FAQs for transferring via a USB cable from your PC or Mac.
AudiobookStore App for Android on Google Play
AudiobookStore App for iOS devices on iTunes
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For Apple devices please click on the following link to download our app from the iTunes Store:
AudiobookStore App for iOS devices on iTunes
For Android devices please click on the following link to download our app from Google Play:
AudiobookStore App for Android on Google Play
Please note that all tutorial images are of the Apple app but apply equally to the Android app.
Once the application is installed, the icon will appear on your home screen. Tap this icon to open the AudiobookStore application.
After launching the application, the following screen will appear. Now tap the "Login" button.
Enter the email address and password you use to sign into the online site, and tap "Login"
After signing in, you will be taken to your library. You will find the books you have purchased from
- If your title has not been downloaded already - tap the cover art to begin the downloading process.
- Note : If you have made a recent purchase and you are not seeing it in the application library, it usually means that the application needs to be refreshed.
- Tap the menu icon (3 white dots) in the upper right corner of the library screen and then choose "Refresh" from the options menu that appears in order to trigger the library refresh function.
- Please also make sure you have either "No filter" or "Not Downloaded" selected from the "Downloaded Filter" options menu, "No filter" selected from the "Completed Filter" options menu, and "Purchased Date (newest)" selected from the "Change Sort" options menu. You can find the "Downloaded Filter", "Completed Filter", and "Change Sort" options in the menu that appears after tapping the menu icon in the upper right corner of the "My Library" screen.
Once you have initiated the downloading process for your desired title, the application will display the track list. The track list contains all of the tracks within the selected book; you may have to scroll down to the bottom of the track list to see the total number of tracks the book contains.
A lighter gray bar will move across a track as it loads; after the track has loaded, you will see the playback time on the right changes from the color grey to solid black. You have the ability to stop a download if you must leave the Wi-Fi network, or if you lack time to finish downloading. Simply tap and hold the book image on your library screen and choose "Cancel Download" from the menu that appears.
If your title stopped downloading when you return to your device, you will be met with a "resume download" alert. In order to continue loading tracks, tap "resume" to return to the track list.
You can play a specific loaded track by tapping it in the track list view. You will see the green playback progress bar displayed within the track that is playing. Press the triple horizontal line button in the upper left of the player screen (or simply swipe left from the right side of the screen) to show the AudiobookStore player.
This is the application’s main player view, where you will have several controls. The controls are described below;
Open Settings view (you can adjust your player settings with this view, see fig. a below)
Scrolling title name and author
Open Tracks/Bookmarks view
Fast Forward or Rewind to a specific point in the track by pressing and dragging your finger back and forth. The number on the left is where you are currently at within that track, the number on the right is the total playtime in the track
Rewind by the amount of seconds you preset in settings (5 seconds by default)
Pause or Play
Fast forward by the amount of seconds you preset in settings (5 seconds by default)
Return to the beginning of the track or tap twice to skip back to the previous track
Skip ahead to the next track
Tag a "bookmark" where you are at to come back later. To view your saved bookmarks for your current title, swipe the player to the left and you will see a tab/option for bookmarks
Tapping the settings button...
Tapping on the settings button (the gear shaped icon at the top right of the screen) in the main player view will display various options:
Change Playback Speed: controls how fast the book will play upon playback.
Change Skip Duration: controls the amount skipped ahead or back with the rewind and fast-forward controls (5 seconds is the default)
Set Sleep Timer: this function will redirect you to the sleep timer, enabling you to choose from a list of sleep times.
The playback speed can be increased by tapping the playback speed control. This will increase the speed by half of the original rate to a maximum of 3x times the original.
Tapping the sleep timer from the main player control will redirect you to the sleep timer screen where you will be able to choose an interval of time at which the book will stop playing.
While in the main player, you can bookmark a track by tapping the "Bookmark" control which is located to the right of the settings icon. This is useful if you wish to return to the section you are currently listening to at a later date or time. Bookmarked tracks are accessed in the Bookmark section of the application by tapping the "Bookmarks" tab while in the track list view.
While in the AudiobookStore app, you can always navigate to the navigation list, player (or library), and task list views by pressing on the triple horizontal lines icon at the top left of the app.
Your Navigation list will show the following;
My Audiobooks
Podcasts (Free for FlexPass members)
Help & FAQs
The application settings enable you to:
Toggle your mobile data downloading (standard mobile data rates apply)
Set the default control settings for the main player view
Playback Speed = Speed your title will play
Rewind/Fast Forward Duration = rewind and fast forward increments
View app or podcast tutorials
Send us a message/review/input/suggestion
Deleting an audiobook from your device - While in your library view, hold your finger down on the cover art of the downloaded title to display the pop up controls and then choose "Delete Book ".
Deleting a title will erase the downloaded content from your device’s local memory; when the content has been removed, a green and white cloud icon will appear over the title cover art. Once the green arrow appears, tap the cover art to download the title again.
Note: "Deleting" a book only removes it from the local storage area on your device. Purchased books will always be available in your Library to download at a later date with no restrictions.
While in the library view, you have the ability to filter your books by tapping the menu icon at the top right of the library screen. This will display the "Downloaded" and "Completed" filter options. These are provided for ease of use with large libraries:
The "Downloaded" filter allows you to either view only books that have been downloaded or not downloaded. To view your full, unfiltered library choose "(No Filter)" from the menu
The "Completed" filter allows you to either view only books that have been marked as completed or not completed. To view your full, unfiltered library choose "(No Filter)" from the menu
You can also sort your titles in the Library view by choosing the "Change Sort" function from the options menu. This feature allows you to sort by:
Purchased Date (newest or oldest) : displays your books in order of purchase date (newest to oldest or oldest to newest)
Title : alphabetizes your titles and display them in A-Z format
Author : sorts your titles by the last name of the author in alphabetical order
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Here are a few things to try:
1) On the "My Library" screen of the app tap the menu icon at the upper right corner of that screen (it looks like 3 stacked white dots), then tap "Refresh" to sync your library and refresh it with your latest purchase(s). This will force the app to "ping" our server for new audiobooks that you've purchased since you last opened the app. Alternately you can swipe down from the top of the "My Library" screen to refresh/sync your library. Make sure you are connected to either wifi or your cellular data network before syncing. Without an internet connection it is impossible for the app to update.
2) If you do not see your new audiobook(s) in the list, make sure you have either "(No filter)" or "Not Downloaded" selected from the "Downloaded Filter" options menu, "(No filter)" selected from the "Completed Filter" options menu, and "Purchased Date (newest)" selected from the "Change Sort" options menu. You can find the "Downloaded Filter", "Completed Filter", and "Change Sort" options in the menu that appears after tapping the menu icon in the upper right corner of the "My Library" screen (it looks like 3 stacked white dots).
3) Try logging out and then logging back into the app. This forces the refreshing of the app's database with our servers more thoroughly than a swipe-refresh. To log out, tap the menu icon at the upper left corner of the screen (it looks like 3 stacked white lines), then tap "Settings" and then tap the orange Logout button on the Settings screen.
4) If the above steps do not work, try deleting and reinstalling our app. NOTE: Before uninstalling, make a note of your bookmark location(s) since uninstalling will remove your audiobooks and bookmarks from the device. After reinstalling, log in again and see your title(s) are now available. We realize this is a somewhat extreme measure, but based on feedback we've received from some customers, this option actually resolves most issues. There is always the potential (with any app) that something becomes corrupt with the database, and performing a reinstall typically resolves most issues.
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Manual Method (PC/Mac):
From "My Library," locate the title you would like to transfer and click the orange "Download" button. The format selection dialogue box will appear. Choose the .mp3 format (m4b is for Apple portable devices).
Now click the orange "Download" button in the format selection window for each audiobook file (some titles contain multiple files). Once completed, browse to the "Downloads" folder which will contain your purchase. Unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded.
On a PC you can access the "Downloads" folder by going back to the Windows Start button and clicking "Documents", then clicking "Downloads" on the far left hand column of the Documents window (if using another web browser besides Internet Explorer, please go to that browser’s respective Download folder) and leave the folder open.
On a Mac you can access the "Downloads" folder by clicking on the Finder (desktop), opening a new finder window (tap the Command+N keys at the same time), and choosing the "Downloads" folder under the "Favorites" list in the left column of the window. You can also click the "Go" menu at the top of the screen and choose "Downloads" to open the folder containing your downloaded files.
Connect your eReader device via a USB cable to an available USB port on your computer.
Next, you will receive a Removable Disk dialogue box with some options. Choose the "Open folder to view files" link under General Options. A new "Removable Disk" window will open. Browse to the "Music" folder.
Now drag and drop your purchase from the "Downloads" folder over to the Music folder and your purchase will be available for listening on your eReader device.
Using Windows Media Player (PC):
Alternatively, you can use Windows Media Player to transfer your audiobook.
From "My Library," locate the title you would like to transfer and click the orange "Download" button. The format selection dialogue box will appear; choose .mp3 format if you are using an eReader device.
Now click the orange "Download" button in the format selection window for each audiobook file (some titles contain multiple files). Once completed, browse to the "Downloads" folder which will contain your purchase. Unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. You can access the "Downloads" folder by going back to the Windows Start button and clicking "Documents", then clicking "Downloads" on the far left hand column of the Documents window (if using another web browser besides Internet Explorer, please go to that browser’s respective Download folder) and leave the folder open.
Connect your eReader device via a USB cable to an available USB port on your computer.
Next, you will receive a Removable Disk dialogue box with some options. Close the dialogue by clicking the red button with a white "X" at the top right hand corner of the window.
Now, launch Windows Media Player by going to the Start button, choosing "All Programs", and then choosing Windows Media Player.
Click the "Sync" tab located towards the far right of the Windows Media Player window. From the "Downloads" folder, drag and drop your purchase from the "Downloads" folder to where it says, "Drag Items here (in bold) to create a list to sync to ‘your drive letter.’"
Now click the "Start Sync" button located directly below the "Play" tab.
Once complete, you can listen to your purchase using your favorite audio player for your eReader.
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Click the "Download & Play on Computer" link to the left of your audiobook in "My Library". At this point you can choose your preferred audio format, mp3 or m4b from the format dropdown menu (m4b is for Apple mobile devices). Once you've chosen your format, click each orange "download" button to save the audiobook files to your computer. In XP, you will receive a dialogue box asking if you would like to run or save the file. Click Save and choose a convenient location to download the file to such as the desktop. Once downloaded, go to the location you chose and if you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. Afterward double click the audiobook file and your default Media Player should then open to play it.
In Windows 7, once the download has completed, you will receive a notification at the bottom left hand corner of the browser screen showing the full name of the audiobook. The file(s) will be located in the "Downloads" folder. To browse to your audiobook go to the start button, left click on "Computer", then left click on the "Downloads" link under "Favorites" and the downloads folder will open. If you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. Click the file and your default media player should open the book.
Internet Explorer 9:
Click the "Download & Play on Computer" link to the left of your audiobook in "My Library". At this point you can choose your preferred audio format, mp3 or m4b from the format dropdown menu (m4b is for Apple mobile devices). Once you've chosen your format, click each orange "download" button to save the audiobook files to your computer. You will receive a message at the bottom of the browser window asking, "Do you want to open or save the file"? Click on "Save" and your audiobook will download to the "Downloads" folder. You can access the "Downloads" folder by going to the Start Button --> Documents --> look to the left hand column under favorites and click on "Downloads." Or go to the Start button --> Computer--> look to the left hand column under favorites and click on "Downloads." If you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded.
In XP, you will receive a dialogue box asking if you would like to run or save the file. Click Save and choose a convenient location to download the file to such as the desktop. Once downloaded, go to the Desktop and if you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. Afterward double click the audiobook file(s) and your default Media Player should open to play it.
Internet Explorer 8 and Older:
Click the "Download & Play on Computer" link to the left of your audiobook in "My Library". At this point you can choose your preferred audio format, mp3 or m4b from the format dropdown menu (m4b is for Apple mobile devices). Once you've chosen your format, click each orange "download" button to save the audiobook files to your computer. you will receive the following dialogue box ,"File download - Security Warning. Do you want to run or save this file?" Click "Save" and a new dialogue box will appear asking where to save the file. Click the "Desktop" icon or link to start the download. Click "Save" again. Once completed, if you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. Afterward double click the audiobook file(s) and your default Media Player should open to play it.
Click the "Download & Play on Computer" link to the left of your audiobook in "My Library". At this point you can choose your preferred audio format, mp3 or m4b from the format dropdown menu (m4b is for Apple mobile devices). Once you've chosen your format, click each orange "download" button to save the audiobook files to your computer. You will receive the following dialogue box, "You have chosen to open (FILENAME) which is a: Binary File from Would you like to save this file?" Click on save and a new "Downloads" dialogue box will appear showing you the progress of your file. Once completed, you will receive a notification from Firefox. Your audiobook will download to the "Downloads" folder. You can access the "Downloads" folder by going to the Start Button --> Documents --> look to the left hand column under favorites and click on "Downloads." Or go to the Start Button --> Computer--> look to the left hand column under favorites and click on "Downloads." If you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. Afterward double click the audiobook file(s) and your default Media Player should open to play it.
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Internet Explorer 9:
In the upper left-hand corner of your screen, click on the Tools menu and choose "View Downloads." Alternatively you can press "Ctrl + J" together on your keyboard while your web browser is open.
In the upper left-hand corner of your screen, click on the Tools menu and choose "Downloads." Alternatively you can press "Ctrl + J" together on your keyboard while your web browser is open.
In the upper right-hand corner of your screen, click on the Wrench (configuration) icon and choose "Downloads." Alternatively you can press "Ctrl + J" together on your keyboard while your web browser is open.
Downloaded files are saved in the "Downloads" folder on the Dock in Mac OS 10.8. Open Safari if it is not already open and then go to downloads list. On Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, click the Show Downloads button near the top-right corner of the Safari window. On Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, choose Window > Downloads.
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For your convenience, we recommend downloading and installing the free app for iOS devices via this link: AudiobookStore App for iOS devices on iTunes
Alternatively, you can use iTunes to transfer your audiobook. From "My Library," locate the title you would like to transfer and click the orange "Download" button. The format selection dialogue box will appear; choose .m4b if you are using an Apple device for playback.
Now click the orange "Download" button in the format selection window for each audiobook file (some titles contain multiple files). Once completed, browse to the "Downloads" folder which will contain your purchase.
On a PC you can access the "Downloads" folder by going back to the Windows Start button and clicking "Documents", then clicking "Downloads" on the far left hand column of the Documents window (if using another web browser besides Internet Explorer, please go to that browser’s respective Download folder) and leave the folder open.
On a Mac you can access the "Downloads" folder by clicking on the Finder (desktop), opening a new finder window (tap the Command+N keys at the same time), and choosing the "Downloads" folder under the "Favorites" list in the left column of the window. You can also click the "Go" menu at the top of the screen and choose "Downloads" to open the folder containing your downloaded files.
Next, connect your iPhone/iPod/iPad to an available USB port on your computer system.
You will now receive a device detection pop-up window on your computer screen. Close the window and open iTunes.
From the Downloads folder, drag and drop your purchase to iTunes under the "Devices" section located at the left hand column of the iTunes program. If you have a multi-file download, select one file and press Ctrl-A on your keyboard. This will highlight all files, allowing you to drag and drop all of them to iTunes.
Your iPhone/iPod/iPad will sync with iTunes and your purchase will be available for listening once completed.
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We recommend downloading and installing our Free App for Android Devices from the following link:
AudiobookStore App for Android on Google Play
However, if you prefer you can use the two following methods to manually transfer your audiobooks to your android device without using the Free App.
Manual Method (PC/Mac):
Click the "Download & Play on Computer" link to the left of your audiobook in "My Library". The format selection dialogue box will appear. Choose the .mp3 format (m4b is for Apple portable devices).
Now click the orange "Download" button in the format selection window for each audiobook file (some titles contain multiple files). Once completed, browse to the "Downloads" folder which will contain your purchase. Unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded.
On a PC you can access the "Downloads" folder by going back to the Windows Start button and clicking "Documents", then clicking "Downloads" on the far left hand column of the Documents window (if using another web browser besides Internet Explorer, please go to that browser’s respective Download folder) and leave the folder open.
On a Mac you can access the "Downloads" folder by clicking on the Finder (desktop), opening a new finder window (tap the Command+N keys at the same time), and choosing the "Downloads" folder under the "Favorites" list in the left column of the window. You can also click the "Go" menu at the top of the screen and choose "Downloads" to open the folder containing your downloaded files.
Connect your Android device via a USB cable to an available USB port on your computer.
Next, you will receive a Removable Disk dialogue box with some options. Choose the "Open folder to view files" link under General Options. A new "Removable Disk" window will open. Browse to the "Music" folder.
Now drag and drop your purchase from the "Downloads" folder over to the Music folder and your purchase will be available for listening on your Android device.
Using Windows Media Player:
For your convenience, we recommend downloading and installing the AudiobookStore Free App from the above link.
Alternatively, you can use Windows Media Player to transfer your audiobook.
Now click the orange "Download" button in the format selection window for each audiobook file (some titles contain multiple files). Once completed, browse to the "Downloads" folder which will contain your purchase. Unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. You can access the "Downloads" folder by going back to the Windows Start button and clicking "Documents", then clicking "Downloads" on the far left hand column of the Documents window (if using another web browser besides Internet Explorer, please go to that browser’s respective Download folder) and leave the folder open.
Connect your Android device via a USB cable to an available USB port on your computer.
Next, you will receive a Removable Disk dialogue box with some options. Close the dialogue by clicking the red button with a white "X" at the top right hand corner of the window.
Now, launch Windows Media Player by going to the Start button, choosing "All Programs", and Windows Media Player.
Click the "Sync" tab located towards the far right of the Windows Media Player window. From the "Downloads" folder, drag and drop your purchase from the "Downloads" folder to where it says, "Drag Items here (in bold) to create a list to sync to ‘your drive letter.’"
Now click the "Start Sync" button located directly below the "Play" tab.
Once complete, you can listen to your purchase using your favorite audio player for Android.
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On an iOS device there are 2 ways you can update our app to the latest version.
1) Open the "App Store" app on your device and choose the "Updates" icon in the lower right of the screen. Once on the "Updates" screen, scroll through the apps list until you see the "Audiobook Store" app and tap the "UPDATE" button to initiate the update.
2) Open the "App Store" app on your device and search for "audiobookstore". Look for our green square icon with black and white "" lettering and tap the "UPDATE" button to initiate the update.
1) If your device is set to receive and install application updates automatically there's nothing you need to do. It will always be taken care of in the background by Android.
2) If your device is not set to receive and install application updates automatically you will receive a message from Google Play informing you when an update is available. Simply follow the prompts to update.
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Click the "Download & Play on Computer" link to the left of your audiobook in "My Library". At this point you can choose your preferred audio format, mp3 or m4b from the format dropdown menu (m4b is for Apple mobile devices). Once you've chosen your format, click each orange "download" button to save the audiobook files to your computer. Your audiobook files will download to the "downloads" folder. The downloads folder is located on the "docking station" at the bottom of your desktop window. If your downloads folder is not located on the docking station open up Finder and look for the Home directory in your user profile. Your downloads folder should be listed there. After locating your downloaded files if you chose the mp3 option unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. Afterward simply click on the file in the download manager and open it in your default media player.
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You can download the Zune Software from the following link:
Microsoft Zune Software
Using Microsoft Zune:
Windows mobile devices require that you use the Zune PC client to transfer your audiobook. From your "My Library" page on, locate the title you would like to transfer and click the orange "Download" button. The format selection dialogue box will appear. Choose the .mp3 format.
Now click the orange "Download" button in the format selection window for each audiobook file (some titles contain multiple files). Once completed, browse to the "Downloads" folder and unzip the mp3 files from the zip file(s) you just downloaded. You can access the "Downloads" folder by going to the Windows Start button and then clicking on "Documents". Click "Downloads" on the far left hand column of the Documents window (if using another web browser besides Internet Explorer please go to that browser’s respective Download folder) and leave the folder open.
Once completed, connect your Windows Phone device via a USB cable to an available USB port on your computer.
Next, you will receive a Removable Disk dialogue box with some options. Close the dialogue box by clicking the red button with a white "X" at the top right hand corner of the window.
Now, launch the Zune client for PC. To launch Zune, locate your Windows Start button again, then choose "All Programs" and click on Zune. With Zune open, look to the navigation bar located along the top left of the program window and you will see displayed from left to right: Quick Play, Collection, Marketplace, Social, and Phone. Click on "Collection" and you will be directed to the collection page.
Access the "Downloads" folder again, drag and drop your purchase to Zune and you should see the title appear under the "Album" section. Now right click on the title and choose "sync with". Once the sync is complete, you should see "Added 1 album" at the bottom edge of the Zune window. Your purchase will now be available for listening on your Windows Phone via your favorite app.
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At this time, Blackberry devices are not officially supported.
However, you can transfer your downloaded .mp3 files to a Blackberry using a USB connection and a PC or Mac. Please see the other guides under the "Download/Sync/Transfer" section of our FAQs for instructions on how to transfer using a PC or Mac.
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The "Download & Play on Computer" option is only for laptop and desktop computers and should not be displayed when viewing the site on a phone or tablet. To correct this issue on your Apple iPhone or iPad navigate to your home screen, open the Settings app, and then scroll down to "Safari". In your Safari settings disable "Request Desktop Website". After updating this setting you will no longer see the computer download option on your mobile phone/tablet.
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