As relevant today as it was when it was first published in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People has influenced and improved the lives of millions of people worldwide. In this now classic work, Dale Carnegie outlines effective methods to help you increase your popularity among colleagues and casual acquaintances, win people over to your point of view and get them to work with you and not against you, escape the mental rut that's causing you to fail, and make you a more sparkling conversationalist. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what this book offers!
Improving business and personal relationships isn't hard at all when you apply the time-tested advice and methods as detailed in this quintessential self-help guide. Whether you want to ensure you get the job you desire, succeed at the job you already have, or merely expand your circle of friends and increase your influence within your community, How to Win Friends and Influence People offers the tools you need to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Now available as an unabridged audio book, there's no better and easier way to avail yourself of this priceless knowledge and get the life you deserve!
"This book was suggested as a book club pick several years ago. We didn't end up reading it but it pique my interest. Which is one thing I love about book clubs, I'm pretty sure I would never of picked this book up on my own since I thought the title sounded manipulative. But for the most part it wasn"t and I really enjoyed this book. I discovered and started applying (sometimes rediscovered and reasserted efforts to apply) many true principles about how to get along with others mostly based on things like being considerate, respectful, kind, a good listener etc... Don't we all need to be better at those kind of things? Wouldn't the world be better if we each actually took some conscientious effort to be better at those kind of things? So another example of don't judge a book by it's cover (or title in this case)."
— Esther (4 out of 5 stars)
“Sound, practical common sense.”
— New York Times“How to Win Friends and Influence People is just as useful today as it was when it was first published, because Dale Carnegie had an understanding of human nature that will never be outdated.”
—, editorial review“Originally published in 1936, this is the archetype of the practical human relations handbook…Andrew MacMillan’s confident, friendly narration is a worthy counterpart for Carnegie's advice.”
— Library Journal" Helps to reinforce things you should know but may have forgotten or overlooked. Nothing earth shattering. Worth a listen! "
— Zman, 9/12/2022" This classic, although slightly dated, gives really good information on how to be more likeable and persuasive to those in the world around you. Read this book at least once in your life! "
— Avaan, 1/21/2019" Awesome book it is really really powerful I will read it again "
— jordan, 3/9/2017" Been wanting to read this for a long time. Little time and patience to read, so audiobook was the way to go. This book did not let me down. Immediately referred to other that could learn to communicate better. Started implementing and listened again the following week. Highly recommend. Very much enjoyed narrator as well. Voice and inflection kept my interest and entertained. Now downloading How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age. Hope I will enjoy and learn from it just as much. "
— Ken, 10/10/2016" Great book, read or listen to this book atleast once a year, the information in this book can be applied at any stage of life or business "
— Nick, 7/10/2016" I loved this book. I am naturally very task oriented, and so this brought so much clarity to me about what people love and they way they think. I feel more equipped to please people and bring more life and vivacity into the world! I am so inspired. Carnegie's points are applicable to my actual life. Even if you are naturally people oriented, this book teaches you how to improve on those qualities. It is all around helpful, and worthy of time in your busy schedule. It truly helps you want to love people. I recommend this book with any authority I possess. "
— Mandi, 2/5/2014" Great book for the high school/college graduate. Pertinent skills needed for a successful career but more importantly, a successful life. "
— Gsteinmetz, 2/5/2014" This book is truly important if a person wants to succeed in life and be popular and liked. "
— Lizelle, 2/5/2014" This classic is still useful after all these years. "
— Andd, 1/20/2014" Every time I read this book (I have read it between 20-30 times) I find that I tend to treat people a little better every time. I have it both in audio and in written, I strongly recommend it. "
— Jeff, 1/19/2014" The seven-page forward alone will floor you on how much time, effort, and money was poured into the writing of this book! It was the first of its kind, and still the very best of its kind. The name Dale Carnegie is legendary for a reason. "
— Bill, 1/15/2014" This book is a must read at least once per year! "
— ilham.mukhtar, 1/5/2014" Decent. It got boring quick so I skimmed most of it. "
— Joseph, 12/20/2013" Although this isn't a book I'd read by choice (my dad had me read it) I loved the many quotes and ideas on how to become better in life. I'd honestly recommend this one to anyone ages 14 and up. "
— Candide, 12/10/2013" Bijna een eeuw oud, maar nog steeds heel relevant. "
— Edelhart, 12/10/2013" To think I have avoided this book because I thought it was for door to door salesmen. Great book, great ideas, and timeless. And I don't have to go door to door. "
— Gary, 11/18/2013" it is good to influence friends positively. "
— Favour, 10/18/2013" I'd learned almost of all of Carnegie's principles before I even read the book in 1994 because of the previous 8 years I'd spent in the Jaycees organization. It should be on everyone's must read list. "
— Jeff, 6/26/2013" Mommy made me read this when I was really young, primary school I think (evident lack of tactfulness on my side maybe? haha). Anyway this is one of the non-fiction staples. It is very to the point, convincing and effective. "
— Viet, 4/15/2013" Great advice - had to start take a break and pick up where I left off. I did follow his reading directions. "
— Butterfly, 4/10/2013" This book has really great tips not only on how to get others to like you, but how to become a better person. I highly reccommend it. "
— Kendra, 1/5/2013" Excelent book, a book that everyone should read "
— Jose, 1/1/2013" Good book. I recognize people in my own life that I look up to that use these techniques and recognize the benefit. Gives lots of examples. Even from history. "
— Hope, 10/30/2012" Fabulous read. If you want anything... Anything... Try and help as many other people get whatever they are looking for, and one day, you will get what you're looking for... "
— Mike, 12/19/2011" The best book out there on people skills! "
— Eric, 8/18/2011" I deeply regret the hour I spent reading this bourgeois crap and wish I had instead done something productive with my time, like dousing my neighbor's car in cooking oil then lighting it on fire. "
— shaan, 6/30/2011" great book, an everlasting approach to win friends and influence people. "
— Firda, 6/30/2011" Another great motivational book!! Beeing in Business this book really spoke to me about customer service and like the Title sais influence people. "
— Patrick, 6/29/2011" The book I have is not on Good Reads. I have a 1967 edition. Very sweet book. I loved it!!! "
— Dora, 6/26/2011" waaaw....pokokny recommended bgt laaa buat yang anti sosial.... <br/>ni buku,,bikin banyak temen bgt,, <br/>kereen bgt... <br/>Dale Carnegie...Jeniuuus..:D "
— Tifa, 6/22/2011" Great book, helped me a lot in my inter-personal relations "
— Ademola, 6/20/2011" Read this book in college, and found it to be a book that has influenced me a lot of my life. <br/>Would recommend it for people just coming out of school, and when you're at places where there <br/>are changes eminent in your life. Great book! "
— Carol, 6/14/2011" inspiring and helpful, liked it may reread it.<br/> "
— Jana, 6/14/2011" I read the book translated into Arabic and it was very good. "
— Yasser, 6/11/2011" This book offers valuable guidance. However, I think setting the goal to be liked by everyone in life would be exhausting. "
— Kelly, 6/10/2011Dale Carnegie (1888–1955) was a pioneer in corporate training programs and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. His best know book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, first published in 1936, has remained popular ever since.