Huge Savings & More with FlexPass™

"LOVE IT!" guarantee, UNLIMITED Podcasts, LOW audiobook prices

At our goal is to make audiobook enjoyment easy and affordable. For just $9.95 per month a FlexPass™ membership unlocks exclusive access to members only prices on every audiobook in our store, not just one audiobook per month like other services! Members also enjoy UNLIMITED Podcast listening (more on that below), and our "LOVE IT" guarantee, which allows for the exchange of any audiobook you don't love for another of equal value, no questions asked! FlexPass Membership

Enjoy UNLIMITED Podcast Listening

Over 100 MILLION Episodes At Your Fingertips!

FlexPass™ Membership is even better with our exclusive members only access to UNLIMITED Podcast Listening. Enjoy as many Podcasts as you can consumer from our library of over 100 Million Episodes spanning all categories, available to stream or download, using the same FREE iOS and Android apps you use for audiobook listening. So many choices in audio entertainment await, exclusively for FlexPass™ Members!

How Do I Get Started?

STEP 1 Browse our catalog and add your first audiobook to the cart by choosing the $9.95 FlexPass™ Price on the product page.
STEP 2 Complete checkout using your credit card, or an alternative payment method including Apple Pay, Google Pay & Amazon Pay.
STEP 3 Head to the Apple App Store or Google Play, download our FREE app & start listening, or download and listen right on your computer!