
Audiobooks Read By Buck Schirner

Buck Schirner’s professional career has primarily been on stage as a character actor. He is currently active in the theater scene in Philadelphia. Buck also appears in the independent film In the Woods.

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Extended Sample Chicken Soup for the Soul: Shaping the New You by Jack Canfield
Extended Sample Chicken Soup for the Soul: Shaping the New You - 31 Stories about the Gym, Liking Yourself, and Having a Partner by Jack Canfield
Extended Sample Chicken Soup for the Soul: Shaping the New You - 40 Stories on Getting Started, How Exercise Can Be Fun, To Err is Human, and Regaining Control by Jack Canfield
Extended Sample Chicken Soup for the Soul: Shaping the New You - 32 Stories about Telling Yourself the Truth, Foods That Make a Difference, and by Jack Canfield
Extended Sample Chicken Soup for the Soul: Shaping the New You by Jack Canfield
Extended Sample Chicken Soup for the Soul: Shaping the New You by Jack Canfield
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