
Michael Guillen Audio Books

Michael Guillen was born in East Los Angeles, earned his BS from UCLA and his MS and PhD from Cornell University in physics, mathematics, and astronomy. For eight years he was an award-winning physics instructor at Harvard. For fourteen years he was the Emmy-winning science correspondent for ABC News, appearing regularly on Good Morning America, 20/20, Nightline, and World News Tonight. Dr. Guillen is the host of the History Channel series Where Did It Come From? and producer of the award-winning family movie Little Red Wagon. He is also the president and CEO of Spectacular Science Productions, a sought-after public speaker, and the bestselling author of several books, including two critically acclaimed books for the general public about mathematics: Bridges to Infinity and Five Equations That Changed the World.

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Extended Sample Amazing Truths by Michael Guillen
Extended Sample The End of Life as We Know It by Michael Guillen
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